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  1. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    These figures are stunning! I?ve been out of the collecting game for a few years and decided to get back in and build a custom 1/6th Indiana Jones figure. The talent of the head sculpts and clothes is amazing! Does anyone happen to have a breakdown of the current available heads and who...
  2. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6 Have they made V.I.N.C.ENT in 1/6?

    One of my all time favorite movies when I was younger was Disney?s THE BLACK HOLE. All I cared about was the sweet Spaceships and the amazing robots. Lol. Have they ever produced a 1/6 scale VINCENT? I would love to get an Awesome figure of VINCENT and Old Bob! :-) -Chuck
  3. HellboyFanChuck

    Sovereign Studios question

    Thank you all for the advice. Can you point me towards how exactly to contact Yunsil, Geewhiz Customs, Kato, and any others who I should holler at about 1/6 Indy parts? I’m not sure what everyone’s screen name or member name is. Lol. Thank you again.
  4. HellboyFanChuck

    Sovereign Studios question

    Okay thank you both for the info. Any recommendations on who is the best for a new custom 1/6 Indy Raiders jacket? I would appreciate the help! Thank you!
  5. HellboyFanChuck

    Sovereign Studios question

    Happy Holidays friends! Question for you all. Is Sovereign Studios still around making custom 1/6 items? I?ve been out of the loop for a few years and just now getting back into the 1/6 hobby. I?m trying to track down the ever elusive Indiana Jones 1/6 jacket so I thought I would just ask...
  6. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6 1/6 Indy coat help

    Happy Holidays my friends! Like many of you, I don?t care for the coat that came with my 1/6 Sideshow Indiana Jones. I have wanted to upgrade to a better 1/6 Indy coat for years. Who makes the best replacement Indy coats? I know there is a coat everyone talks about that costs like $700...
  7. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Mind if I ask a quick question? You were posting photos of this amazing Indiana Jones jacket. Who makes them please? I need to upgrade my figure pretty badly! I don’t know who to look for to upgrade my jacket and other parts. I’ve been out of the forums too long and so I need some advice...
  8. HellboyFanChuck

    Headsculpt sale, prices in first post

    Re: Hot Toys headsculpt sale. Other manufacturers too. Can you drop me a line about the Indiana Jones heads please? :-)
  9. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Premium Format Indy and Gandalf

    Hey friends, When my baby was born I sold off my Premium Format figures. Now that the baby is 10 years old it’s time to get them back! Haha! So I’m looking for a Premium Format Indiana Jones! And a Premium Format Gandalf. Displayed or opened is fine with me. I shall put them in my...
  10. HellboyFanChuck

    Blitzway 1:6 Ghostbusters - ECTO-1

    I am seriously THIS CLOSE TO PRE Ordering this baby! ITS SO AWESOME!!
  11. HellboyFanChuck

    Asmus Toys : Gandalf the Grey

    Wow. That Ian McKellen is SUPERB!!!
  12. HellboyFanChuck

    DKA8976's 1/6 Collection - Harmonica & Frank, Butch & Sundance, Heat Duo, PF Marvel

    Re: DKA8976's 1/6 Collection - Harmonica & Frank, Butch & Sundance, Heat Duo, PF Marv That Mad Max figure is.....lovely. Haha. I'm a huge Mad Max fan. May I ask how you put it together? It's stunning. I would love love love to have one!
  13. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Hellboy Right Hand of Doom replica :-)

    Hey friends, I'm in the market to buy the Replica Hellboy hand, the Sideshow Toy RIGHT HAND of DOOM. If like to open it and display it proudly in my Licing Room. Sadly, my original was stolen when we moved a few years ago, stolen right out of my car. I know, it sucks. But I haven't had a...
  14. HellboyFanChuck

    1:6 Raiders Of The Lost Ark Agents File

    How do I not own these yet?!?! Hahaha!!!
  15. HellboyFanChuck

    Action Figure 1:6 Raiders Dutch Bible Progress Build COMPLETED! Pics on #28

    Holy cow, I just saw this! It turned out beautiful! I'll have to get my wife to see if Santa can bring me one for Christmas!!! Haha Love the detail work you did!! Kudos!!
  16. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Medicom Wolverine Hands (photos included)

    Anyone? Help me here. lol Anyone even have a lead on this figure?
  17. HellboyFanChuck

    NEED: Looking for a 1/6 Tailor for costume

    Hey friends, I am in need of a very good tailor to make a 1/6th costume for one of my figures. I searched around a bit but it's actually quite hard to find people here who are tailors. lol Any advice? Just need a custom 1/6 Super Hero costume made. But I'm looking for a good tailor...
  18. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Yoda/Kermit the Frog Peter de Seve Poster

    Hey friends, I am looking to buy a print, poster, whatever of the Peter de Seve Kermit the Frog and Yoda poster called "Easy Being Green, it is Not." I missed out on this and am really upset at myself. I had no idea it was released and JUST found out it even existed. I'd love a...
  19. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Medicom Wolverine Hands (photos included)

    I really need some help here on this one. I am willing to go in with someone who wants to part this out! All I need are the hands and claws if someone else needs the other parts and pieces. Otherwise I am looking to buy the hands/claws please! PLEASE! :gah::rotfl:rotfl
  20. HellboyFanChuck

    Serang's OBG13 'Vincent Van Gogh' FINAL!

    I'm just not gonna take no for an answer here. You have to add me to the list. I traveled 4000 miles to see his original works in the 1990's. :rotfl:rotfl I'm his biggest fan. Ever. I'll mail you my ear to prove it. :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol