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  1. HellboyFanChuck

    Action Figure 1:6 Raiders Dutch Bible Progress Build COMPLETED! Pics on #28

    Re: 1:6 Raiders Dutch Bible Progress Build Okay don't laugh. I just thought of something else. The chalkboard. In the background during that scene that Indy uses. We need that 1/6 chalkboard. And yes. I'm serious.
  2. HellboyFanChuck

    Is anyone here like Stitch?

    Dude, I love Stitch! One of the best Disney characters ever! My daughter is a big fan!
  3. HellboyFanChuck

    Wolverine in the Brown/Orange Costume in 1/6

    Still looking for this costume! In 1/6. If anyone has any leads. :hi5:
  4. HellboyFanChuck

    Custom Star Wars, Turtles, and others

    I like the C3P0 and the R2D2. Great work!
  5. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Medicom Wolverine Hands (photos included)

    Hey friends, I have been working on this Custom Wolverine now for a bit and I need a few more pieces. I think the perfect hands that I have found for my figure are these Medicom ones. I don't need the whole figure, just the hands & claws. Check out the 4 photos: These are the...
  6. HellboyFanChuck

    Custom Star Wars, Turtles, and others

    I'm not getting these to work? Did you hyperlink them? Or do you expect me to copy and paste. Because that is a LOT of work. :rotfl
  7. HellboyFanChuck

    Serang's OBG13 'Vincent Van Gogh' FINAL!

    Please please please tell me there is still one for sale I can buy. Please!
  8. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Brown/Orange Wolverine

    Those are amazing. I really am going to have to get on board and get one. That costume is one of my all time favorites.
  9. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB This specific Wolverine custom head (made by who??)

    I just read over the whole mess with this head sculpt. So, that is very sad. Sad situation. Well, I'd love a chance to own one. :sancho
  10. HellboyFanChuck

    MG2065 - project updates - The MASK

    Re: MG2065 - project updates - Dark Helmet/Leo/Grinch/Popeye Awesome Mike! Please put me on your list for Dark Helmet! Very very exciting! ---Chuck
  11. HellboyFanChuck

    MG2065 - project updates - The MASK

    Re: MG2065 - project updates - Dark Helmet/Leo/Grinch/Popeye Hey Mike, any chance I can get a Dark Helmet figure for my collection??!!?!? Please let me know! :)
  12. HellboyFanChuck

    Serang's OBG13 'Vincent Van Gogh' FINAL!

    Are you still taking orders on this figure? If so, can you please let me know. I would love to have one. Thank you.
  13. HellboyFanChuck

    Custom Despicable Me Sculpts

    I love these and my kids LOVEEEEEEEEEE these! Great work!
  14. HellboyFanChuck

    TonyMeis Custom

    Re: TonyMeis Custom DC (Enterbay 1/4 BB Batman mods, custom 1/6 DKR Capes) Tony, as usual your work is Stunning! Just stunning.
  15. HellboyFanChuck

    Action Figure 1:6 Raiders Dutch Bible Progress Build COMPLETED! Pics on #28

    Re: 1:6 Raiders Dutch Bible Progress Build You know who your first customer will be when you get these perfected? Gues? :lol:lol:lol As usual, your work is 2nd to none. I can't recommend your work enough. You really should create a Facebook page. SO MANY 1/6th people all over the world...
  16. HellboyFanChuck

    Armysoldier74b's "Executive Room"

    Your Keaton Beetlejuice figure is such a part of my childhood. LOVE it! I hope to get one if he does another run. PLEASE let me know if he ever does. Incredible collection!
  17. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB This specific Wolverine custom head (made by who??)

    :panic: Hey friends, I am looking to buy this specific custom Wolverine 1/6 head. I have NO IDEA who made it, {these are not my photos}. I found them on UK ebay and was unable to contact the seller. I figured you all know the maker anyway. lol Can you help me identify this head, the...
  18. HellboyFanChuck

    Wolverine in the Brown/Orange Costume in 1/6

    Hey Friends, Someone suggested I ask over here and that you all would have good suggestions. So, I grew up in the late 70's and early 80's and I LOVED Wolverine in his Brown and Orange suit. I have seen some pretty epic statues but no figures in Brown and Orange. What I want is a Brown...
  19. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Brown/Orange Wolverine

    Hey friends, Growing up in the 70's and 80's, the Brown and Orange costume Wolverine was always my personal fave. I have so many fond memories of that costume (and pretending to wear that costume)! lol Are there any 1/6 figures of Wolverine in the Brown and Orange costume? Because I would...
  20. HellboyFanChuck

    Is there a Star Trek WoK 1:6 figure line?

    I've been shopping around to see if perhaps buying the Playmates and customizing them might be an option. I'm NOT impressed with the quality of the Playmates. But I do very much want a Star Trek Wrath of Khan figure. Or three. :rotfl