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  1. HellboyFanChuck

    Is there a Star Trek WoK 1:6 figure line?

    I have been racking my brain lately for my dream line of 1:6th figures. And the 1:6 Star Trek Wrath of Khan figures would be up there. And I realized, I don't think I have ever even SEEN these in 1:6th size. Did anyone ever produce Star Trek WOK figures in 1:6th? I bet with the right suit...
  2. HellboyFanChuck

    Sovereign Studios Indiana Jones jacket (please!)

    Bump for this because I have been trying for years to find one. And I am still looking. Anyone? ANYONE. :lol
  3. HellboyFanChuck

    Who can make me a 1/6th Custom accessory?

    Well, here is what I need customized. I need a few Twinkies, in their packages made in 1/6 size. For example: [/IMG] [/IMG] I need these, just like you see them above, but miniature 1:6 scale. WHO can make these for me? :date Someone can do it. I need help! :)
  4. HellboyFanChuck

    Who can make me a 1/6th Custom accessory?

    Hey guys, I need your help. I have been asking around privately and have not gotten any further in my search and now I'm all discouraged. What I am looking for is someone who can make me a custom 1/6th accessory for one of my figures. Is there anyone you guys can recommend? I've sent...
  5. HellboyFanChuck


    Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding, etc..[KILL DA RIDDICK!!!! I've been subscribing to this thread for a LONG time. I had to step in and say AMAZING work! Seriously. You should have a fan club!!! ;-)
  6. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1/6 Die Hard 1, Bruce Willis Figure

    Anyone? Surely someone wants to sell me a Die Hard 1 McClane!!!
  7. HellboyFanChuck

    For sale. rescue cap America parts, Han Solo parts. sunohc head sculpts

    Re: For sale sunohc die hard and man on fire head sculpts Holler at me! I'm interested in McClane!!
  8. HellboyFanChuck

    bbkill's sculpt: Bale update Oct 2014

    Re: bbkill's sculpt: P.1 Deckard added, TDKR Bale update, bond 2.0 skyfall~ Hey BB, congrats on the new baby!!!! Can I please buy a Daniel Craig head, and are you offering the Die Hard John McClane head? I need one of those BADLY. Please holler at me and I'll pay you ASAP!!! -Chuck
  9. HellboyFanChuck

    [ELVIS1976 | custom work] • 1/1 PROTON PACK

    Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) Daryl & Rick TWD - ALIENS USCM Your work is amazing, I've been following your figures for several years now! I have a question about the Die Hard 1 John McClane you used to make. Any chance at all you still have one for sale or a head lying...
  10. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1/6 Die Hard 1, Bruce Willis Figure

    Anyone willing to help a long time member with his dream of owning an epic Die Hard 1 figure? Please........ :-)
  11. HellboyFanChuck

    ·•●1/6Parts Sale[Hot Toys, TTL,...]Guns, Bodies, clothes etc..

    Re: ·•●For Sale/Trade: Lot 1/6 Hot Toys parts like Jill's Battlesuits, guns etc. How much for the JV Accessory kit?
  12. HellboyFanChuck

    For sale. rescue cap America parts, Han Solo parts. sunohc head sculpts

    Re: For sale sunohc die hard and man on fire head sculpts Could you please link me to the Bruce Willis head photos, or drop me a photo? Thank you!!!
  13. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1/6 Die Hard 1, Bruce Willis Figure

    Haha. So right Apone!!! Die Hard is one of my all time faves!!!! But I saw it on tv and thought I NEED THAT FIGURE!! Lol. But can anyone recommend who can build me one? Or who makes the parts?
  14. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1/6 Die Hard 1, Bruce Willis Figure

    Hey gang, Does anyone make or sell a Die Hard (first movie) Bruce Willis Figure? I'd like to buy one!! Thank you!!! -Chuck
  15. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Indy Ark of the Covenant (Hasbro or Sideshow)

    How much would that run me?? :-)
  16. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Indy Ark of the Covenant (Hasbro or Sideshow)

    Hi friends, I'm looking to buy the Indiana Jones Ark of the Covenant by either Hasbro or Sideshow. Please let me know if you have one for sale!! Thanks!! -Chuck
  17. HellboyFanChuck

    Sideshow LOTR Premium Format Exclusive Gandalf the Grey.

    Re: LOTR Premium Format Gandalf. Aragorn. Lurtz. Morgul Lord. Uruk-hai Berserker I'm interested in Gandalf. Could you link me to photos please? Thank you!!
  18. HellboyFanChuck

    FS: 1:6 Indiana Jones Grail Diary

    I got mine in the mail. This is a work of art. My wife was even blown away!!! I'm going to be bragging about this piece forever. Haha. Thank you again for the fast shipping and stunning Grail Diary!
  19. HellboyFanChuck

    CUSTOM 1:6 Abner Ravenwood Journal from Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Simply BEAUTIFUL work. I'm going to have to order this!!!
  20. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: loose 1/6th Indy accessories, hasbro relics, and so on

    I had a couple of people ask me if I will take custom pieces, yes. I will gladly buy custom Indy pieces as well as the Hasbro relics, and other 1/6th indy accessories. Thanks!