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  1. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: loose 1/6th Indy accessories, hasbro relics, and so on

    Hello friends, I am looking to purchase any Indiana Jones related loose accessories. I believe Hasbro called them "relics." Any loose Hot Toys accessories. Whatever. I am mostly looking for the treasures and such but I will also take other loose items. Please PM me! Thank you! ---Chuck
  2. HellboyFanChuck

    FS DX Joker stands, DCD Batman sculpts, DX Indy parts

    i'm interested in the 1/6th Indy satchel. Thanks!
  3. HellboyFanChuck

    Action Figure Ra Headpiece Pins & Cuff Link Sets

    Any updates on these? Are they shipping yet? Thank you!
  4. HellboyFanChuck

    Cover Girls New 52 Catwoman statue review

    I Love your webpage. LOVE your reviews. I spend way way too much time there. hahaha --Chuck
  5. HellboyFanChuck

    Selling a number of customs and parts

    Let me know if you have any accessories in 1/6 you want to sell. I'm very interested. Thanks!
  6. HellboyFanChuck

    Help/Request: Custom 1989 Batman Costume Vault?

    Me too. I'd love to have one!
  7. HellboyFanChuck

    MarfMaster's Mix *LOTS of New Stuff* :)

    Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Weathered BD Luke - DX10/MMS combo - DX12* Your collection is killer. Where do I begin? Maximus is amazing. That Batman (I'm assuming from the animated series? has a stunning cape. And that Bruce Willis from Die Hard? Makes me cry with envy. lol Amazing collection...
  8. HellboyFanChuck

    Which Captain America figure is this?

    Hey friends, I've been searching for a couple weeks and can't find this Captain America figure anywhere. I'm hoping to locate the manufacturer and model so I can buy one for my kiddo. Here is the link to the photos:
  9. HellboyFanChuck

    Moe Prod. Custom 1/6 ALL BATMAN Thread...

    Now, I saw this and had to speak with you about it. Can you PM me about these parts? I have a project I'm working on (creating a stop motion-esque Batman scene) and this is by far my favorite Figure I'be seen! Thanks brother, -Chuck
  10. HellboyFanChuck

    Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

    How do we sign up for updates from Hot Toys? I haven't seen that anywhere? Help! :clap
  11. HellboyFanChuck

    Batman Life Size Bust Sideshow

    That is a beautiful bust! I can't afford that AND all the other Sideshow items I want. haha But I'd love to have that in my living room!
  12. HellboyFanChuck

    Intothevoid - A Nolan Batman 1/6 Collection

    Re: Intothevoid - A Nolan Batman 1/6 Collection *Medix Update* I spent some time looking at your collection! Awesome. I love the first photo of the Joker on the street corner. That is epic! Amazing stuff! I'm jealous! :lol
  13. HellboyFanChuck

    Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

    Hey friends, forgive me for asking but I'm working about 80 hours a week until mid-January. Is the Batmobile up for pre-order on any trusted sites? I'd like to go ahead and get it pre-ordred now. While I have money. :rotfl Thanks!
  14. HellboyFanChuck

    Sovereign Studios Indiana Jones jacket (please!)

    I need need need a Sovereign Studios Indiana Jones jacket please friends. Please let me know asap if you are selling one. Thank you!!!!! ----Chuck
  15. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1/6th Aliens Pulse Rifle (and other alien accy's)

    Hey friends, I'm looking specifically for a 1/6th Aliens Pulse Rifle. I'd love a few other 1/6th Aliens accessories, but I really need a Pulse Rifle! Please let me know if you have one for me! Thanks! ---Chuck
  16. HellboyFanChuck

    Action Figure 1/6th Grail Tablet and Rubbing?

    Hey friends, I've searched quite a bit but I've yet to find a 1/6th Grail Tablet, and a 1/6th Grail Tablet Rubbing. Anyone have any leads on this? Did Hasbro or Sideshow or anyone ever officially make them? Or is this a custom job? If so, who made them? I feel like my collection is...
  17. HellboyFanChuck

    Heston was Indy before Ford

    Lucas and other makers of the film have said publicly for YEARS that this movie was a big inspiration to Indiana Jones. It's nothing new. In fact, Lucas talked about this movie again a few years ago when KotCS came out. Just FYI.
  18. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Indy Holy Grail, Staff of Ra, Fertility Idol

    I'll send you a PM now. STILL LOOKING my friends! ----Chuck
  19. HellboyFanChuck

    Custom Grail Diary - NEW interest thread - UPDATED WITH PICS (FIRST POST)

    I PM'd you and didn't get added to the list. Would you please PM me and let me know if I didn't do something right. LOL Sorry, I have been working too much lately I guess!:slap
  20. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Indy Holy Grail, Staff of Ra, Fertility Idol

    Bump for any help in finding who makes these items, or if you have some. Please help! :hi5: