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  1. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: HT Blade II accessories, WTB Gandalf the Grey Premium Format Figure

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to buy ACCESSORIES from the HT Blade II figures. Abigail Whistler and Blade. I'm interested in weapons, costumes, everything. All the accessories you have for sale. Thank you! :clap Drop me a PM! Thanks! ---Chuck
  2. HellboyFanChuck

    FS: Marvel Collector's Edition BLADE - unopened

    Interested pending the price. Drop me a line....:yess:
  3. HellboyFanChuck

    Dodge Charger for HT Blade

    I'd like to get a 1:6 Dodge Charger for the Hot Toys Blade character. ANYONE know what companies make one. I searched the internet like crazy with no luck. I was hoping you all might be able to help me find the right company or brand to try. A 1:6th Dodge Charger all nicely painted black...
  4. HellboyFanChuck

    Next Cinemaquette.........Keaton Batman

    Seriously, I can't afford this but if it looks amazing, I'll sell my wife in order to buy it. :lol:lol Dont tell her I said that please.....
  5. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 89 and Returns Batman accessories

    Ah, thanks for asking! I totally forgot to mention size. Yes, they can be EITHER 1:6 or 1:4. I can use both because the Diorama is large and in sections. Thank you for the post!
  6. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 89 and Returns Batman accessories

    Hello, I'm not sure WHO on this board makes them, but I am looking for accessories for Batman 89 and Batman Returns. I'm just trying to see what's out there, who makes what, and buy all the parts for a diorama I have been working on for about 6 years. ANY advice on who I should talk to...
  7. HellboyFanChuck

    Next Cinemaquette.........Keaton Batman

    Here's my question. HOW LONG do we usually have before the release of detailed photos -vs- when they go onsale? Because if I have a few months, then I MIGHT be able to afford this. But if we don't have a few months - I probably can't save up this much cash. What is the usual with...
  8. HellboyFanChuck

    Indiana Jones Artifacts (PLEASE help guys!)

    :( Im gonna cry. I have looked everywhere. Anyone? Help?!?!?!
  9. HellboyFanChuck

    Indiana Jones Artifacts (PLEASE help guys!)

    Hey friends, I have been searching for some time for the Indiana Jones Artifacts sets. I can't find anyone selling them. I need to buy those, and I also need the Indy Holy Grail and the Grail Tablet. Someone PLEASE help me out here. Thanks!!!!!!!!! ---Chuck
  10. HellboyFanChuck

    1989 Joker Hat Sign Up List

    I'm gonna need one of each. Can you pm me so I can ask about a few details please? Thanks very much:wave 0----Chuck
  11. HellboyFanChuck

    Jen's Stuff For Sale

    I was going to get Wonder Woman....... but she told me no. And by "She" - I mean my boss! :lol
  12. HellboyFanChuck


    +1 for daydalus1 He sent me a HUGE package, carefully wrapped, and the figure arrived very quickly and in perfect condition. I am very happy with my dealings with daydalus1 and recommend him highly. Thanks! :goodpost:
  13. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Indy Jones Accessories

    Please Please Please! Surely someone here has a few items for sale! Please! :monkey3
  14. HellboyFanChuck

    Who makes the best 1989 Joker?

    Hi Adam, I tried to message you but your inbox is full. --Chuck
  15. HellboyFanChuck

    1989 Joker (Jack Nicholson) FIRST RUN CLOSED!!

    Re: 1989 Joker (Jack Nicholson) costume set Please put me down for a full set of everything. I can pay pal you as soon as you need us to. Thanks! --Chuck
  16. HellboyFanChuck

    Who makes the best 1989 Joker?

    With the Keaton 1989 Batman Statue coming out and the Batmobile I can't afford on pre-order (lol) I was wondering. Who makes the BEST Custom 1989 Joker figures? I would LOVE to add one to my collection? 1989 Batman was one of my ALL TIME faves. Any suggestions? Who has made them? Who...
  17. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Indy Jones Accessories

    Hey Hey! I need a few things from the Indiana Jones line, 1/6th scale. Let me know if you have any for sale or can tell me who makes them. Grail Tablet Grail Tablet Rubbing Grail Diary Holy Grail Idol Chamber Environment (Golden Idol and Base that came with Belloq) Cross of Coronado (came...
  18. HellboyFanChuck

    Hot Toys 1/6 Tumbler/Batpod Batman

    Mind if I ask a quick question? Is there somewhere online where I can get a good and trustworthy deal on buying a Tumbler or Batpod? eBay seems iffy, and I'd like to know that I'm buying from a trusted source AND that I won't have to pay 800 bucks. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks...
  19. HellboyFanChuck

    Henry Wayne Batman customs

    Hello! As a DIE HARD Batman fanatic, the 89 Batman and Batman Returns are two of my favorite childhood movies. I have grown up LOVING and collecting items from these movies. Henry Wayne produced two custom figures. One from 89 Batman and one from Batman Returns. I would love to add these...
  20. HellboyFanChuck

    Indy Hasbro ARK of the Covenant

    Hey friends, Someone out there has the Hasbro Indianan Jones Ark of the Covenant. I need one for my collection. It's going to be opened in a display case, so just let me know if you have one and how much. Please just PM me here on the forum so we can talk here. :hi5: Thanks! ----Chuck