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  1. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    Like alot of films going to really great or quite bad. Looks bad from what we have seen but trailers aren't everything. Think they are showing as little as possible at this point.
  2. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Great points! I love what Snyder has done but they weren't being accepted as widely as WB wanted (in critical response and $$$) so let Gunn amaze us. It's now or never for DC.
  3. spindrift

    Avatar: The Way of Water

    I'm hoping Cameron makes a couple fantastic live action films before he retires- I think Avatar 3 will be his last and frankly am glad. I consider them animated family films, which is fine but are we ever going to see him go back to kick a** action /sci-fi material again?
  4. spindrift

    Sideshow: The Clint Eastwood Legacy Collection (1:6 figures)

    Sculpt is VERY stylized and cartoonish. Instant no buy for me on just that. And the price? LOL
  5. spindrift

    Avatar: The Way of Water

    What happened to the almost $200 million weekend box office? Was not impressive- next two weeks will be make or break. Local theatre here was weak in attendance,
  6. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    A big mess. Snyderverse making a huge comeback two months ago and's over. Cavill gone. Affleck likely. Gadot is done with WW. Amazing. I don't like it but yeah these have all underperformed and doubt extending these actors in more movies wotuld have changed boxoffice trajectory any. I...
  7. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    Trailer is a gigantic MEH for me. Why so dark and shadowy? Ford clearly not slamming that whip around at 90 mph in that scene. He just doesn't move anywhere near that fast. Leaping around moving vehicles? Sigh. Riding a galloping horse through the city. Haven't seen that before, right? Sigh. I'm...
  8. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    His wedding band is still on so maybe he's still hooked with Marion- wherever she is
  9. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    We'll get old Indy first and they will scratch their heads wondering why ANOTHER overpriced doll doesn't sell. ("Well, it was a contractual obligation to do that version first...")
  10. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    BA 2? Right. Kiss it goodbye unless they lower the budget by $150 million or so. He will appear in another DC movie but not Cavill's new Superman. I don't see that happening
  11. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Anyone who thought Black Adam was the answer to DC's problem just wasn't thinking clearly. The Rock is not the one to set the agenda for DC's future. Superman and Batman are the only ones. They are the foundation of DC like it or not.
  12. spindrift

    Avatar: The Way of Water

    A big CGI cartoon. How can this become anywhere near the box office of the original? People has seen stuff like this so much in the last ten years...but if he pulls it off I wouldn't be surprised. 2nd/3rd week box office will show alot.
  13. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    The more I hear..the more I do not think this is going to be a respectable send-off for Indy. This sci-fi cliche stuff creeping in all over the place just doesn't sit right with the original trilogy which is more fantasy/myth based.
  14. spindrift

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Enterprise” Figures

    Very excited for Archer and TPol....great combo. Nanjin is doing Trek proud!
  15. spindrift

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Timewalker- Ordered! This is a GREAT place to order figures! Highly recommended!
  16. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    Get this over with and move on. Best thing I can say I'm looking forward to is the new Hasbro figures and maybe HT will do a new classic Indy??
  17. spindrift

    Sideshow: The Clint Eastwood Legacy Collection (1:6 figures)

    In for all of these- they look very good to me
  18. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Hope Flash doesn't go south like Black Adam- they really need another Aquaman big grosser. Might have to wait for Superman 2 or whatever they call it. Not sure AQ2 will be as huge as first one. I really want a Batfleck solo film. I can dream.
  19. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    Glad the bad screenings were just rumor- I hope!
  20. spindrift

    1/6 Hot Toys-The Terminator (T1)-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) 1/6 Scale Figure

    Without reading this entire thread- DOES HT still have the license? I know I one knows