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  1. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    I believe Spielberg thought the superhero genre was a passing fad (like 7 years ago). He must be desperate for a big hit again or all this is just rubbish rumor
  2. spindrift

    Avatar: The Way of Water

    Setting it up for a letdown- that letdown for him is not being the #1 or 2 highest grossing film of all time. He would not like #10 or 15. He really must feel it's not going to be the end-all of blockbusters
  3. spindrift

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    Yes test screenings have reportedly been very bad- truth somewhere in-between I'm sure. Ford just looks so old in all the stills I've seen of the movie. Just sort of ridiculous in a way- wearing that same outfit for decades..really?
  4. spindrift

    Avatar: The Way of Water

    Will open big and then start falling. It won't have the long staying power to become a mega-grosser. I could be wrong- Cameron always seems to defy the odds.
  5. spindrift

    Black Adam

    Just cameo contract? Bet they are working on a multi-film contract now to cement it and make him happy.
  6. spindrift

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    Exactly- far more expensive better result in far better results
  7. spindrift

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    I don't see how this version will be much better than what HT pull off....just skeptical on hype for a new endeavor like this with a great prototype but nothing actually produced yet to see how far they can go on sixth scale
  8. spindrift

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    George- multi-billionaire still wearing plaid shirts and jeans since the 1970's- say what you will about him but he marches to the beat of his own drummer...he is an individual of unique sorts. I really admire him and have forgiven him for the prequels. Actually, sort of get it now what he was...
  9. spindrift

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    That is EPIC...wonder where George was walking in in his cool white sneakers?
  10. spindrift

    Thor: Love and Thunder **BEWARE SPOILERS**

    Watch at your own risk- if you liked the first two Thors you better not see this. Misfire from first minute. Marvel should be embarrassed but nothing bothers them anymore- five years ago this would have not made it past script stage...
  11. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Going to see it- think it might be better than doubters make it out to be. It WILL need a couple blockbuster cameos to get buzz and people to take notice... This Cavill thing has to be once and for sure cleared up- if he isn't in this I really will lose hope it'll happen at all
  12. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    This sounds very exciting- if Snyder is talking to WB at all about this stuff something is going to happen. So little on how Affleck suddenly is back again in Aquaman... HAS to be an indication of a shift in direction and then Batgirl/Keaton scrapped. C'mon gotta be more than a coincidence!
  13. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Maybe Snyder will do a World's Finest movie- just Supes and Bats with "guest" heroes. No Flash , Aquaman or WW to interfere with their own films.
  14. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Wish they would just announce something official. They must be waiting for some big event to do it- no Fandome this year so it won't be there
  15. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Hope it is true- all the recent Flash reshooting and Affleck popping up again in AQ 2 seems to point in this direction
  16. spindrift

    Future of DC Films (DCEU)

    Is this all true about the Flash reshoots and Cavill/Afleck???
  17. spindrift

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    NANJIN NANJIN NANJIN- Please don't take some of these posts to close to heart. Skip them if you feel discomfort. You and your team are doing AMAZING and VERY BEAUTIFUL work on your product. It is astounding we are getting these at all.
  18. spindrift

    1/6 Hot Toys Arkham Knight Batgirl

    I HATE the separate ball jointed legs. It RUINS the figure for me. So upset as the rest of her is pretty nice..
  19. spindrift

    1/6 Hot Toys Arkham Knight Batgirl

    Beautiful Pics!
  20. spindrift

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    So BBTS and such places won't be carrying this line?