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    JAMES BOND - Original creations

    Re: Custom JAMES BOND THREAD Is that white tux the same as Indys in temple of doom?


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Still on flat restoration duty, though slowly setting my pc back up as I do miss the sculpting ;)

    robbiethepainter's "August 11th Rad BMX bike..." stuff

    Re: robbiethepainter's "March 13th Some accesories..." stuff understood ;)

    robbiethepainter's "August 11th Rad BMX bike..." stuff

    Re: robbiethepainter's "March 13th Some accesories..." stuff Amazing stuff! How are the lenses made for the watches? The print on the watch rings on top is that some sort of printed water decal? Those are what stopped me in my tracks when making the Skyfall watch. Top notch!

    1/6 Sideshow 1:6 Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom

    I got this on eBay recently at a good price. Nice figure though the head is pretty small and the hat is the worst yet. Very short on the front brim and badly fitting the head. Everything else really nice. Though should have given him a realistic knee joint through that pants leg rip/cut. I put...

    Ganghood 2.0 Small Body (Bruce Lee, Pete Parker, Luke Skywalker)

    Is the Hot Toys Bruce Lee body the same size as this or is it bigger, same size as a TTM19?

    Old Grandpa (Richard Endicott) Has Passed Away

    Sorry for your loss :( Rest in peace Old Grandpa.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! More tweaks on Max folks. He's getting there with the eyes now. It's frustrating not being able to work on this stuff more :(


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Here's one last update for 2016 just for you Max guys ;) I had some time this morning to revisit him, re-sculpting the face completely as I wasn't happy with the last one. The hair is done but needs detailing and strands modeled into the front as the ones in this...

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    This looks fantastic! That hair is your best yet! Did you mod that iminime sculpt? Looks much better :)

    World Box 1/6 Male Base Model Narrow Shoulder (Fashion Doll)

    Yeah any photos next to a hot toys body would be great as it would be interesting to see a color and height comparison. Do you think the plastic neck is paintable? or is it that shiny slippery stuff?

    World Box 1/6 Male Base Model Narrow Shoulder (Fashion Doll)

    Has anyone bought this? Looks pretty good, though wondering what others think of it before I buy one. Is the torso rubber or hard plastic?


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Cheers jagzz. I'm on a 1/6 break right now, renovating my flat. Though hoping to get all the Harrisons done next year ;)

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Looks spot on! Where is the Ed Harris head from? I'm loving this show! :)

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    All this hair work is too awesome! :)

    1/6 1/6 Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien - Collectible Figure

    Yep you're right guys. I was thinking the pre order would be cheaper for some reason, though best to wait for release and try to get a cheap one in the UK.

    1/6 1/6 Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien - Collectible Figure

    I'm thinking of pre-ordering Ripley off eBay, though what's to stop them running off with your payment? As the dispute refund and feedback period would have run out by the time she ships :dunno

    GalactiCustom's Tutorials- Kenobi Pt5: Clean Up & Finishing Touches

    Re: GalactiCustom's Tutorials- Kenobi Pt4: Hair & Beard Nice vids! Thanks :)


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! I still need to get round to reprinting them as my printer is broke printing heads. Though right now being charged 40% tax on items I sell just doesnt seem worth it :-\


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Once the sculpt is done he can be anyone ;) I'm totally redoing the mel sculpt. It should be much better this time.