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    1/6 1/6 Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien - Collectible Figure

    Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS) Wow! This will be the first complete HT figure I buy :D head looks good though might have to eventually make my own if I get time. Though that cat?! :huh

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Wow! Thats amazing work!

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Dam Jake really brought out the sculpt! This is the best Indy likeness so far, easily. Though you could see the sculpt was really good from the teaser photos.

    Can you remove ankle extenders on legs? 25:50 for future reference

    Can you remove ankle extenders on legs?

    Yeah I've not heard anyone pulling one of these out. Cheers, might try on a duff body ;)

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Impressive job! Especially the stitching.

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    What raiders holster is that? Looks really nice!

    Can you remove ankle extenders on legs?

    Not sure what they are called but the seperate part that is at the end of the ankle to make the figure taller and is the socket where the pegs plug into. Not sure if these are permanently fixed or can pop out with a bit of heat.

    Can you remove ankle extenders on legs?

    Just wondering if these are removable? Any advice getting these off?

    World Box 1/6 Male Base Model Narrow Shoulder (Fashion Doll)

    ok cheers for clearing that up SH. The body I bought was the ZCWO riot police body and the chest on that was hard like the rest of the body. If the chest on this body was softer like the hot toys I think this would be a really good slim build body alternative. Though since no one has this actual...

    World Box 1/6 Male Base Model Narrow Shoulder (Fashion Doll)

    SwedishHeat : This is definitely not a recast of a TTM19 in any way as all the parts look uniquely sculpted to this body. I did see the one in the links you posted as that is quite common, though I have not seen this seamless neck version anywhere other than the website in my link. So the torso...

    World Box 1/6 Male Base Model Narrow Shoulder (Fashion Doll)

    So far I've found only this website reserving them. Does anyone know anything about these? World Box 1/6 Male Base Model Narrow Shoulder (Fashion Doll)


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! yes ;)

    Star Wars HT Luke, Chewie & SS R2 loose bits.

    I'll take the chewie loose bits. Is that including shipping?

    1/6 The Last of Us Joel

    Just got this in the post today. I didn't realize it was real wood, metal and leather! Impressive DID :-O

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Thats superb Jake! Did you paint in each facial hair? :-O the side profile looks like him the most. They didn't do a great job with marketing this figure, especially not showing off that great paint!


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Thanks for the feedback Mark. You're right, could definitely do with being less M shaped and more straighter. Will add that in when I get round to re-printing ;)

    1/6 The Last of Us Joel

    Ellies rifle is a deer hunting rifle. The only 1/6 version I know of is the DID Ralph one.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Cheers guys :) More angles

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Thanks everyone. There may be a future release, though I have other projects going on I need to finish before that happens. Right now this is just prototype stuff. Here are more angles :whip