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    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

    Does anyone know what they did to make Lukes body smaller? it looks like a TTM18 with a rubber chest and neck, though can't quite pin down what part of it they shortened?

    1/6 1/6 Custom Indy Belts On Etsy By Vigilante Collectibles.

    Looking good! Is that saddle tan dye?

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Cheers guys. This is an older version, the newer one I need to clean up has less bushy hair at the back. Will post up more pics soon :) here is a quick rendition of what it could look like painted.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Cheers guys :) Im working on his leather accessories now. Wor yeah I agree, adding a few extra mm to the side of the brim will look better.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: TLOU Ellie body Indy's back! I took my Yunsil Indy outfit out of the bag for the first time and put it on the Banner body just to see how it all looks with my head sculpt. Outfit fits nicely with the body, though I think the Banner arms may be a little too around the triceps...

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Some great customs here guys! My Yunsil set has been in a bag since I got it, so I decided to fit it to the Banner body and see it with my head sculpt for the first time. Here's a sneak peak. I'm also working on a really nice leather holster and belt to replace the one from the set.

    Rahmier Bros Collection

    Re: Rdeezy's Collection Deckard looks great! Did you airbrush weather the coat?

    MarfMaster's Mix *LOTS of New Stuff* :)

    Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Raiders Indiana Jones* Superb Raiders Indy, Marf! Best I've seen. The weathering is really good. What did you do to get the shirt sweaty looking like that?

    JAMES BOND - Original creations

    Re: OFFICIAL JAMES BOND THREAD Wow! That looks great guys! Huge improvement on the hair.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: TLOU Ellie body Don't worry gruff more max coming soon ;) boshi, I'm going to sculpt my own head.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: TLOU Ellie body Yeah I looked for that too but I couldn't even find a picture of the body. Also Hitgirl is 11 in that movie, so not sure if the body size is too small. Though a StarAce older Hermoine is also a possibility.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Ellie body So I have been searching high and low for a suitable body for my upcoming TLOU Ellie figure. I was thinking of going with the playtoy customization route, though it's a lot of customization and the shoulders and hips/bottom still look too womanly. I found a really...

    Hot Toys True Type Muscular body (TTM-19)

    Ok that's good, paint is an added bonus. I got a thor body once though realized there are differences with the torso neck area to a ttm19. I think the ZC KO body's are based on the Thor body.

    Hot Toys True Type Muscular body (TTM-19)

    Quick question folks. Is the Wolverine body same as a TTM19 or dx05? Are there any slight differences? Taller? different neck shape?


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Road Warrior Gruff: Yeah still trying to figure out the hair, it really does change from scene to scene but I have an idea in my head what it needs to Max-ify it. Creg: Cheers man! your work is awesome! :)

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Top notch paint works as always ;) Your pics do inigos new Indy head much more justice, the likeness looks a lot better in these photos. Is Indy and Han flesh resin or grey?


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Road Warrior Cheers guys, yeah I agree, it needs to be more shorter at the top and longer at the sides.


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Road Warrior I spent a few hours experimenting with detailed hair techniques. I still can't figure Mels hair in this movie, it's a chaotic mess that changes from scene to scene. Not sure if this is too neat, even bordering Thunderdome! :ohbfrank:


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Road Warrior Wow! Good work on that! I may have to have a go at hand-stitching the pattern in myself after seeing this ;)