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  1. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Star Trek Expo-6 Captain Picard

    Hello friends, I'd like to buy an Exo-6 brand Star Trek First Contact Captain Jean-Luc Picard 1/6 figure please. Thank you! ~Chuck
  2. HellboyFanChuck

    1:6 scale figure hand/arm question advice?

    Hey friends. I'm putting together a 1:6th Norman Stansfield figure. He's the evil bad guy cop from Leon the Professional. I want to pose him the way he has his hands are kind of out, if you remember the scene? I'm attaching photos. Anyway, I need to find a matching 1:6th hand that looks...
  3. HellboyFanChuck

    1:6 Aragorn head sculpt question

    Hey friends, I'm just putting together my first ever 1:6th Aragorn figure. I'm putting together the Fellowship movie costume version. I have a 1:6 Aragorn head sculpt question? If I'm just trying to find and purchase the 1:6th head sculpt only, who do you think has the most accurate...
  4. HellboyFanChuck

    1:6 machine gun & pistol question (Die Hard 1)

    Hey friends, So I have 1:6 scale gun question. I'm trying to build a custom 1:6 Bruce Willis from Die Hard 1. I'm gonna need to get his 1:6 machine gun and 1:6 pistol. What companies make the best 1:6 machine guns and pistols? I tried google but all I'm seeing are some pretty awful 1:6...
  5. HellboyFanChuck

    Wanted: 1:6 Indiana Jones jacket

    Hello friends, I'm looking to buy a 1:6th Indiana Jones jacket. Please let me know the maker or brand and the price shipped to me in the USA. Thank you kindly! ~Chuck
  6. HellboyFanChuck

    2024 Indiana Jones question

    Hello friends, I'm a long time member but haven't had time in a few years to work on my 1:6 collection. I'd like to put together a custom 1:6 Indiana Jones figure. May I please ask your advice. Who in 2024 is making the Indiana Jones head sculpts, clothes, and artifacts? I'm going to be...
  7. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1:6 Indiana Jones items

    Hey friends! It’s my Bday today! So I wanted to post that I am looking to purchase 1:6 Indiana Jones items. I really need the miniature relics, like the Grail Cup, Sankara Stones, Golden Idol, the Grail Tablet, and other 1:6 Indy stuff! Please holler at me! Blessings! -Chuck
  8. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: 1:6 Indiana Jones Coat/Whip

    Hey guys, So for years I?ve been trying to buy a 1:6 Sovereign Studios Indiana Jones jacket. I?ve never found one. I always miss them for sale. :-(So at this point I thought I would beg, please, offer cash and cupcakes. :hi5: Anyone have a really good Indy 1:6 jacket for sale? I would...
  9. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6 Have they made V.I.N.C.ENT in 1/6?

    One of my all time favorite movies when I was younger was Disney?s THE BLACK HOLE. All I cared about was the sweet Spaceships and the amazing robots. Lol. Have they ever produced a 1/6 scale VINCENT? I would love to get an Awesome figure of VINCENT and Old Bob! :-) -Chuck
  10. HellboyFanChuck

    Sovereign Studios question

    Happy Holidays friends! Question for you all. Is Sovereign Studios still around making custom 1/6 items? I?ve been out of the loop for a few years and just now getting back into the 1/6 hobby. I?m trying to track down the ever elusive Indiana Jones 1/6 jacket so I thought I would just ask...
  11. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6 1/6 Indy coat help

    Happy Holidays my friends! Like many of you, I don?t care for the coat that came with my 1/6 Sideshow Indiana Jones. I have wanted to upgrade to a better 1/6 Indy coat for years. Who makes the best replacement Indy coats? I know there is a coat everyone talks about that costs like $700...
  12. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Premium Format Indy and Gandalf

    Hey friends, When my baby was born I sold off my Premium Format figures. Now that the baby is 10 years old it’s time to get them back! Haha! So I’m looking for a Premium Format Indiana Jones! And a Premium Format Gandalf. Displayed or opened is fine with me. I shall put them in my...
  13. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Hellboy Right Hand of Doom replica :-)

    Hey friends, I'm in the market to buy the Replica Hellboy hand, the Sideshow Toy RIGHT HAND of DOOM. If like to open it and display it proudly in my Licing Room. Sadly, my original was stolen when we moved a few years ago, stolen right out of my car. I know, it sucks. But I haven't had a...
  14. HellboyFanChuck

    NEED: Looking for a 1/6 Tailor for costume

    Hey friends, I am in need of a very good tailor to make a 1/6th costume for one of my figures. I searched around a bit but it's actually quite hard to find people here who are tailors. lol Any advice? Just need a custom 1/6 Super Hero costume made. But I'm looking for a good tailor...
  15. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Yoda/Kermit the Frog Peter de Seve Poster

    Hey friends, I am looking to buy a print, poster, whatever of the Peter de Seve Kermit the Frog and Yoda poster called "Easy Being Green, it is Not." I missed out on this and am really upset at myself. I had no idea it was released and JUST found out it even existed. I'd love a...
  16. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Medicom Wolverine Hands (photos included)

    Hey friends, I have been working on this Custom Wolverine now for a bit and I need a few more pieces. I think the perfect hands that I have found for my figure are these Medicom ones. I don't need the whole figure, just the hands & claws. Check out the 4 photos: These are the...
  17. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB This specific Wolverine custom head (made by who??)

    :panic: Hey friends, I am looking to buy this specific custom Wolverine 1/6 head. I have NO IDEA who made it, {these are not my photos}. I found them on UK ebay and was unable to contact the seller. I figured you all know the maker anyway. lol Can you help me identify this head, the...
  18. HellboyFanChuck

    Wolverine in the Brown/Orange Costume in 1/6

    Hey Friends, Someone suggested I ask over here and that you all would have good suggestions. So, I grew up in the late 70's and early 80's and I LOVED Wolverine in his Brown and Orange suit. I have seen some pretty epic statues but no figures in Brown and Orange. What I want is a Brown...
  19. HellboyFanChuck

    1/6th Brown/Orange Wolverine

    Hey friends, Growing up in the 70's and 80's, the Brown and Orange costume Wolverine was always my personal fave. I have so many fond memories of that costume (and pretending to wear that costume)! lol Are there any 1/6 figures of Wolverine in the Brown and Orange costume? Because I would...
  20. HellboyFanChuck

    WTB: Custom WOLVERINE heads

    Hey friends, I'm looking to buy Custom WOLVERINE heads. I'm talking NON Hugh Jackman style customs. I might be interested in the entire figure as well if you're selling. REALLY want a Brown costume Wolverine if there is one. But mainly looking for custom heads for Logan. But I am...