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  1. vertigo84

    WTB - Blitzway Hannibal Lecter in UK

    Looking to purchase either version or both if your looking to part with them, preferably within the UK. Thanks
  2. vertigo84

    WTB Hot Toys QS003 Boba Fett in UK

    Hi there, If any UK collectors are looking to part with a Hot Toys QS003 Boba Fett, please get in touch. I'm based in Scotland and can collect in person if your not too far me (within 100 miles or so) or Paypal if collection isn't an option. Would be able to offer up to £650 tops. If it's of...
  3. vertigo84

    Diamond select Ultimate 18'' Darth Maul figure

    Picked one of these up a while ago and finally got round to upgrading him to a cathode CCFL saber, for the money it's got a great sculpt and holds up pretty well against the hot toys QS and sideshow PF's. For me it's a great figure until Hot Toys ever get round to doing one. Only drawback is the...
  4. vertigo84

    Vertigo84 finally get's a new mancave!

    Haven't posted here for a few years now, but finally got my new mancave set up after a house move and I'm pretty pleased with how it's looking so far. Still a few finishing touches needed here and there and the cabinets all need a good clean but it's good to finally give every piece the space...
  5. vertigo84

    Vertigo84's sideshow/HT collection

    Well after a few years of just looking at everyone else's collections on here I've finally got the mancave decorated and picked up a couple of detolfs to give the figure the display space they deserve! Just gotta wait for all the PO'd stuff now :gah: Excuse the crappy phone pics. Thanks...