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  1. R

    NECA: Prometheus

    Unfortunately, I think that's the case. I've been waiting for them to do a proper dog alien for a loooooong time now. Let's hope that the Aliens line spills over into the other films the same way that the Predators line spilled in to Predator 2. I love that we got the entire lost clan from...
  2. R

    NECA: Predator Movie Franchise Figures

    That Ram figure looks amazing. I skipped out on these to try and save some cash, but some of these Lost Preds are really tempting me. I'm thinking about picking up the Elder from series 3, but I heard that he had joint problems. What do you guys think about that one?
  3. R

    NECA: Prometheus

    Anyone else want to see this engineer figure wrestle the trilobite in that wrestling ring back there? Or am I the only one who thinks it looks like this guy is trash talking right before a match? Anyone? Just me?