haha nice good work serhat is the best. he is doing for me this little guys. very talented and kind artist if you want any animation character they can produce very well.
anyway this product not finish yet when finish almost perfect.
drakul please add more photos Sally With Trees "Otherworldly Ovation
when ı saw your seizing destiny wdcc items i like it and buy it really cool item i like your line please add more photos your collection espically wdcc collection because not too many people collect wdcc line and hard to find...
wow very nıce and class
espically your alien collection bravo
ı have a question fırst page fırst pıcture
there ıs a prınt alıen vs rıpley rıght
ıs there any name thıs photo or prınt how can ı fınd thıs pıcture
very powerfull moment thanks. good luck for your dısplay
and sıze ?