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  1. w00tw00t

    1/6 Batman: TAS figures coming from Mondo...

    Thanks for the info batfan. I started this line late, so doing some catching up. I guess I will have to settle with the existing Catwoman. Would be a cool thing if Mondo did a resculpt of the head only and sell that. Since the body and everything is spot on.
  2. w00tw00t

    1/6 Batman: TAS figures coming from Mondo...

    Do you recall what made them want to remake the wolverine? I'm on the fence on getting Catwoman just due to the head sculpts looking off compared to the other BTAS figures. Would love for them to give her a 2.0.
  3. w00tw00t

    WTB - Mondo Man-Bat SDCC Exclusive

    Still looking. Up.
  4. w00tw00t

    For Sale AHSOKA TANO by Hot Toys

    Brand New Sealed Ahsoka Tano Hot Toys Figure Price: $200 shipped Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
  5. w00tw00t

    WTB - Mondo Man-Bat SDCC Exclusive

    Look for a reasonably priced Mondo Man-Bat SDCC. Please let me know if you have one for sale or info on where to get one. Thank you.
  6. w00tw00t

    Sold SOLD - Hot Toys Star Wars Dark Trooper Set of 3 - SOLD

    Selling 3 Dark Troopers for $500 shipped. 2 are still brand new in box and one has been displayed for a few months with no issues. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
  7. w00tw00t

    WETA: Sauron 1/6 - 2021

    Not freaking out. In the video they stated this piece has the correct color compared to the first piece. So them stating that I would expect the final version to come close to it. $1k is a lot of money and to not completely like it I rather just save my money.
  8. w00tw00t

    WETA: Sauron 1/6 - 2021

    Yeah, after seeing that the paint application isn't close at all to the proto, I might have to cancel mine. Such a shame. Other then that it looks great.
  9. w00tw00t

    WETA: Sauron 1/6 - 2021

    If you search facebook with "sauron statue" looks like someone already has it in hand. Looks BEAUTIFUL.
  10. w00tw00t

    For Sale Captain America OG, Back In Black Spiderman, Spiderman 2099, Lich King, Venom 1:1 Bust

    I have the following pieces for sale. Currently taking no trades. Will only ship within US. Shipping will be based off location. Please message me with any questions SideShow Captain America 1:4 OG. Displayed behind acrylic case - $800 OBO Sideshow Back in Black Spiderman 1:4. Displayed - $675...
  11. w00tw00t

    WTB Disney Big Figure Stitch Holding Blasters

    still looking. thank you.
  12. w00tw00t

    S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

    You have any pictures of the side of broly face especially the nose area? I notice that maybe there was molding issues. Seems like the nose is cut off a little on mine.
  13. w00tw00t

    WTB Disney Big Fig Stitch with Blasters

    Looking for Disney Big Fig Stitch with blasters. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.