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  1. W

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I actually cancelled my Disney Plus subscription as I did not think it was worth keeping. I have given up hope of them being able to produce good quality Star Wars content.
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    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Going by most of the Star Wars content produced so far by Disney and looking at the clips Disney has released so far this will be awful. If Hot Toys makes a load of figures from it then I can save a lot of money. This may end of being far worse than Kenobi, BOBF, Ahsoka, the sequel trilogy...
  3. W

    1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: Episode III ROTS - Kit Fisto Collectible Figure

    While I am mainly an OT fan I always loved the Jedi order from the prequel movies and am a Clone Wars fan so will certainly get this figure. Hope we get to see more prequel Jedi, Aayla Secura is my top wish but Shaak Ti, Stass Allie, Luminara Unduli, Bariss Offee, Plo Koon, Kiadi Mundi, Agen...
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    1/6 Hot Toys - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Padmé Amidala

    Lots of figures seem to to be in short supply. It makes me wonder how many Hot Toys now produces. We seemed to go from one extreme with loads of figures having to be reduced in price to so few being produced people are struggling to get one. I did pick this up early. Makes me worry about the...
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    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS681 - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Mace Windu

    My Mace Windu arrived today. Put him up with Ep 3 Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ep1 Qui-Gon, one thing stood out right away, the Mace Windu head sculpt is tiny when compared to the others. Part of it almost certainly relates to the lack of hair when compared to the others. Still a nice edition to the...
  6. W

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I am 42 and mostly seem to enjoy sci-fi from the 60s, 70s and 80s, even 90s stuff can be a bit modern for me now!!!!!! I watch new shows as well but find them very fast paced and totally reliant on CGI with very little plot. The newer things often leave me feeling empty. I recently for the...
  7. W

    Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars)

    I don't like the idea of putting all that money down on a figure that won't be out for maybe 2 years. I tend to end up buying from someone on eBay at inflated prices after it is released. I think moving forward I will be very selective about what figures I add to my collection.
  8. W

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    At the time I did not want a prequel, it annoyed me they went for that. I wanted a post TNG, DS9, Voyager show that could feature just about anyone we had seen in those shows. Maybe a Captain Riker show etc. Sadly it did not happen. I have since watched Enterprise from beginning to end. I...
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    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I find TOS about the only watchable Trek show for me these days. I grew up watching it along with TNG, DS9 and Voyager. I gave up on Enterprise during its original run. Never liked any of the new Trek shows from recent years. These days I have watched TOS over and over again along with the 6...
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    1/6 Hot Toys Luke Skywalker - Dark Empire (Legends)

    There is one more Luke I really need for the OT and that is X-Wing pilot Luke, such an iconic look. I have thought about trying to modify the Snow Speeder pilot Luke but don't want to do it and then find out they are releasing an official version.
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    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I hoped maybe this show would be good but don't think I will even bother watching it.
  12. W

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Hot Toys making Aayla Secura is the stuff of my dreams. I really hope it happens.
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    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Certain purchases for me this year are Mace Windu and Clone Wars Obi-Wan. I also plan to get ROTJ Han Solo which I think is next year. Moving forward I think we will see a new Ep4 Han Solo, maybe a Hoth Han (plus Luke) and eventually Bespin Han, can see them maybe leaving the most wanted one...
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    Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars)

    I am really looking forward to this figure.
  15. W

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    I wonder if Disney will ever give us the OT original theatrical release on Blu-Ray. I hope they do. I really cringe when I see some of the added CGI in the special editions.
  16. W

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    I would like that Luke in my collection. I would very much like Hot Toys to do more EU variants. I think moving forward my collection will be mostly OT, Clone Wars and a little PT but would be happy to go for some EU also. I am going to purge all Disney era figures! There were never many in...
  17. W

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    I did not like them killing Data in Nemesis, he was my favourite TNG character. I have not watched Picard Season 1 or 2, won't ever do so. I have seen Season 3 and noticed that.
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    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    I have hated Generations since I first saw it. Killing Kirk was simply unforgivable. I was also not a fan of them killing Picard's Brother and Nephew along with destroying the Enterprise D. Plus the constant changes between TNG and DS9 uniforms. It is my least favourite Star Trek movie pre...