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  1. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I’m sorry, but I still do not see any evidence of this. Less diversity would not have improved any of the bad stories we have been given in the last decade. J.J. Abrams was not a “diversity hire”. We never recovered from that.
  2. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Well I wouldn’t hold my breath for the religious background (galaxy far away and all) but I’m rooting for you on the rest of it!
  3. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I agree. Blade rules. But we’re not talking about a movie we saw when we were 26 years younger. It is being explained to me how certain members of this forum interpret diverse casts with an unfortunate correlation to story quality. I am merely asking, does this go the other way? If a new...
  4. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Please define “core audience”. MCU has been pretty bad ever since the final battle in “Black Panther”, I dont know where this idea that it suddenly died after the mediocrity of Endgame comes from. Maybe if you are only speaking in box office. Just another confusion on my part.
  5. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I watched it. Honestly it sounds pretty innocuous to me, she had a mental image of her main character as a black woman and also really liked Squid Game and wrote a role for the lead of that show, etc. i guess we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
  6. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Also, I have no idea why people are feeling attacked by Lucasfilm’s pushback against Kenobi criticism. I certainly never felt attacked, and I thought Kenobi was a garbage show. End to end. I never singled out Reva as a special problem, the entire show was trash! Every part! So I knew they were...
  7. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    So is the inverse true? Does more white people in the cast equal more optimism from us fans? Do we not see how terrible that sounds?
  8. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Cannot find that comment yet, will keep looking. No, I am not going to google “leslye headland diversity black woman” because then I’ll get nothing but angry youtube grifters.
  9. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    My comment was not aimed at you, specifically. It was in reply to jaztermareal’s attempt at explaining the perception (not that they share it) that a diverse cast may signal a worse story. Which I am still very confused by. For example, your quote above. Where does this idea come from, that...
  10. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I am zeroing in on this part right here because I think this quote is at the root of my misunderstanding. How does this cast come at the expense of quality? Even as a knee-jerk irrational concern, I do not understand the connection. The story will be the story, no matter who was cast or their...
  11. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    You are not wrong. I was on the aint-it-cool-news Talkbacks back in the day. It was ugly.
  12. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Noticing is one thing. Caring about it and considering it a problem is something else. And no, I did not notice until the complaining started. Because I do not care. Because it does not matter.
  13. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I reject your assertion that to be a “genuine” fan I have to get bent out of shape over a subpar tv show, or resort to a “Lucas violated my childhood” level of hyperbole. Just because I usually decide to shrug and move on with my life after a disappointing movie or show, does not make my love of...
  14. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I agree that Lizzo was poorly integrated. It was pretty lame. But VILE and REPREHENSIBLE? This is a TV show, not a moral crusade. I think the Disney shows have been very bad aside from Mando s1 and Andor, but it’s this intensity of the hatred is what I find…..curious. FWIW, I don’t think you...
  15. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    I’m a lifelong Star Trek fan. So, yes.
  16. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    The unique hatred towards this show before premiere, of all the Disney shows, remains utterly baffling. I remain ambivalently optimistic despite being underwhelmed by the clips, because I quite enjoyed the writer’s Netflix show, “Russian Doll.” I don’t know what got everyone so worked up, but...
  17. T

    Star Wars: The Acolyte

    Sorry, still not getting it. What is it about this cast lined up at a promotional event makes you assume they lack whatever it is they appear to lack? It’s just a photo of smiling actors on a red carpet, like every other movie premiere ever.
  18. T

    Furiosa (May 24, 2024)

    Haven’t seen it yet, looking forward to it, and could not care less how financially successful it is. I for one could not be happier that George was able to trick a studio into bankrolling another one of his movies that will create less than expected shareholder value.