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  1. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

    "previous preorders won’t be affected, we made a deal and we will try our very best stick to the deal until there’s no way we can absorb the lost" -Kit Chen If people are going to subscribe to media frenzy might as well collect readily available information instead of pushing a single narrative.
  2. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

    @Wor-Gar putting his figures back on the shelf in 2037:ROFLMAO:
  3. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

    Yeah isn't there a big fuss about the batman figures head being under scaled too? I have him and I honestly cant tell, but same to be said about quality control issues on the slow decline if he does come out to be Pingolas lmfao
  4. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

    Echoing things from prior posts, firstly this is a beautiful representation of Legolas and I have had him on PO since day 1. I couldn't agree more on fabric boots... as Aragorn has them and it feels like a step back in quality on that. The lack of a Mirkwood bow is deflating but not a...
  5. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam

    He is an ugly little thing, I think the price is expensive for sure but until there's another Gollum, I don't think its too bad. Whats killing me is the extras, you get a rock (diorama base) and a fish.
  6. DeboDillon

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS784 Alien: Romulus - Scorched Xenomorph

    To add onto Mr.Tanker the three main movies being Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 there are changes in the dome like the traditional clear dome from 1979 alien, then the ribbed dome is an easy difference to find. Then Alien 3 is like a brown alien that runs on all 4 like a dog, where the facehugger...
  7. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam

    Im waiting for the day that InArt hatches the idea to do Star-wars, you know what we need more of? Star-wars figures:rolleyes:
  8. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam

    Appreciate the work that went in place to find out what was going on at the Tokyo convention and then translating R_R_X, this comes at big disappointment I personally was hopeful for at least Gimli and then a Sauron/witch-king. Only time will tell but massive L for InArt if they go through with this
  9. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam

    Inart proving to be like hot toys and giving up half way through a line just to make more joker figures and other miscellaneous marvel/dc figures
  10. DeboDillon

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    Has anyone seen anything about feral dropping? I know it was estimated at Q1 2025, Im hopeful around that drop time there will be something on the JH.
  11. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

    something about the hair just isnt hitting as much as other rooted figures it looks almost thin
  12. DeboDillon

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS793 Alien: Romulus Rain Carradine

    To quote the neca guys I also cant stand dealing with neca when they release a figure. They partial release it out to some, give updates until time frame passes and then nothing. Im waiting on the scorched neca alien from them and this will be the last order I place with neca
  13. DeboDillon

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS793 Alien: Romulus Rain Carradine

    LETS GO hyped for this release!
  14. DeboDillon

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    This will be such an important release for HT because if they do even half of what was just mentioned, that could be enough fuel to revisit iconic pred's from other movies and Im sure other people would agree that even with a whole collection of 2.0's I would continue to buy the new releases...
  15. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam

    I took the liberty of watching FOTR extended edition today and man having the whole gang in the next coming years gets me so excited! I might go crazy and actually get a moducase for the fellowship.
  16. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    These are absolutely awesome shots, where did you get the file to print the head?
  17. DeboDillon

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam

    Out of all of the fellowship I am most excited for these two, bring on the rooted foot hair
  18. DeboDillon

    1/6 Hot Toys Wolf Predator 2.0

    Reviving an old thread for a new acquisition. I was extremely lucky to have found someone local who had never opened their wolf predator and put it for sale, So as soon as I saw it I had to jump on it. Extremely happy with him. My only gripe is with the plasma caster on the ball joint. It seems...
  19. DeboDillon

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    I haven't ordered the feral just because I personally am not a fan of the design, I might be one of few that prefer the bulky armored version as in AVP-AVPR, buuuuut the new body of the feral is nice especially with more accurate height. The only thing I dont like about that body is a clear cut...