I picked this up very recently on ebay from a US seller. I started collecting about 2 years ago so this was sold out long before I began my collection but I've always wanted this one and finally got him!!
I was very happy with this purchase all things considered even tho I paid a bit more than the usual RRP.
This is the wounded version so I believe the only difference is the little scar battle wound over his eye and the money clip is black and gold.
All equipment is real leather and gun is real metal and wood tho quite heavy.
The body is quite floppy and loose so I'll be upgrading that buying a new DiD body for him as he is also quite taller standing by the new gen DID short slim body. Really cool figure and the overall effect is quite stylish. The tunic is an M36, it has the dark green felt collars, a Blurred Edge fall smock and Spring camo pants! The only thing I didn't like is the officers belt and the officers Y-straps are quite thin compared to what leather DiD use now. Though they seem to be real leather and smell of leather so shouldn't be any issue with them.
Here's some photos, enjoy!!
I was very happy with this purchase all things considered even tho I paid a bit more than the usual RRP.
This is the wounded version so I believe the only difference is the little scar battle wound over his eye and the money clip is black and gold.
All equipment is real leather and gun is real metal and wood tho quite heavy.
The body is quite floppy and loose so I'll be upgrading that buying a new DiD body for him as he is also quite taller standing by the new gen DID short slim body. Really cool figure and the overall effect is quite stylish. The tunic is an M36, it has the dark green felt collars, a Blurred Edge fall smock and Spring camo pants! The only thing I didn't like is the officers belt and the officers Y-straps are quite thin compared to what leather DiD use now. Though they seem to be real leather and smell of leather so shouldn't be any issue with them.
Here's some photos, enjoy!!

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