1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

Its weird that all the other have their 4 accesories clearly listed, but not this one..

I too would have jumped on a 1st doctor at that price (since they still havent announced a definitive edition of him, and i don't need any of the others) but if they indeed use the same molds maybe they don't have them anymore. And these are made for them to gain money without spending too much, so they wouldn't create new molds etc..

Ho well i'm still happy for everything we will get. Even if i don't plan on getting any of the new definitive edition, except for the 12th doctor. And maybe a new head for 10th. I'm more than happy with the 9th we got and to just buy the first 11th at a lower price point ( which should happen between these re release and the new edition)

I hope we see soon more of the rest of the classic doctor.

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Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

Fast cash grab to support the Definitive Collection coming soon...

Since they said this is a chance for new collectors to get the previous figures, that means no change or improved paint. If you liked the old figures, here's your chance to get them. But BCS already warned you that better versions are on the way.

May I ask where you saw that and what exactly did they say? I'm tempted to get a Capaldi, but If another version will be coming out then I may hold back.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

I have no doubt the definitive editions are planned, but I very much doubt we'll see more than maybe one of them pop up for order this year, let alone 'soon'. Partly because of the current backlog of pre-orders to get through, partly because of how many other Who figures have also been announced but not put up for order yet - Second Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, the Brigadier, Daleks and Cybermen, and partly because I doubt they would want to upset Zavvi who just made a major order from them for these rereleases by putting up superior competing product at the same time.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

I have no doubt the definitive editions are planned, but I very much doubt we'll see more than maybe one of them pop up for order this year, let alone 'soon'. Partly because of the current backlog of pre-orders to get through, partly because of how many other Who figures have also been announced but not put up for order yet - Second Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, the Brigadier, Daleks and Cybermen, and partly because I doubt they would want to upset Zavvi who just made a major order from them for these rereleases by putting up superior competing product at the same time.

I hope so. I personally would rather see the Doctors and characters that they haven't been yet made going up for order first before revisiting ones they've already made. :)
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

May I ask where you saw that and what exactly did they say? I'm tempted to get a Capaldi, but If another version will be coming out then I may hold back.

A couple pages back where davejames posted the two (Facebook I think) statements from Big Chief Studios.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

I just wonder why they chose to exclude the 1st Doctor. Ive been trying to find one of those for awhile.

It might have been a decision on Zavvi's part, as they felt there wouldn't have been as much interest in a Hartnell rerelease, and just wanted to focus on the more popular ones.

I'm kicking myself now for not grabbing one while it was available, but somehow the figure just never quite wowed me enough at the time.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

The whole thing is kind of fascinating to me. Big Chief are so behind on their production schedule, I can?t imagine how they have the ability to produce these without causing further delays. Unless a huge upfront order from Zavvi allows them to have greater bargaining power with their production partners.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

The whole thing is kind of fascinating to me. Big Chief are so behind on their production schedule, I can?t imagine how they have the ability to produce these without causing further delays. Unless a huge upfront order from Zavvi allows them to have greater bargaining power with their production partners.

I don't think they are that much behind schedule. We know that 3rd and 13th are done mass production and ready to be pack out. So that probably leave an opening for producing those ones. Also the fact that they already made them so they don't have to change anything and they know how to produce them the fastest way possible. And yes probably zavvi paying for it allow for more production power.

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Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

It might have been a decision on Zavvi's part, as they felt there wouldn't have been as much interest in a Hartnell rerelease, and just wanted to focus on the more popular ones.

I'm kicking myself now for not grabbing one while it was available, but somehow the figure just never quite wowed me enough at the time.

Same. And having seen it in person, its probably the worst Doctor release in terms of quality. But I am a completist, and would love a chance to get a hand on it, especially if it is going to have an updated paint job on the sculpt.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

As someone who has purchased every single release so far, I still say that the First Doctor is one of the single best releases they ever put out, and an early high water mark for big chief as far as both paint apps and outfit goes. I honestly don't understand how anyone could call that release low quality. :dunno
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

I'm psyched for this rerelease of the 4th. Having originally missed out on the original release/signature edition :(. Having watched some classic who recently. The 6th is my favorite ( i know i know).

As for the 13th doc. On BC website. They have signature editions listed for both. I would imagine the sigs are sold out. And only the regular editons are available. Right?
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

As someone who has purchased every single release so far, I still say that the First Doctor is one of the single best releases they ever put out, and an early high water mark for big chief as far as both paint apps and outfit goes. I honestly don't understand how anyone could call that release low quality. :dunno

I kind of agree. But there was always something kind of rough about the sculpt that bothered me. Everything else is down to futzing (as per the norm).
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

Yeah looking back at the original sculpt there was some nice subtle detail and a great likeness, so I'm not sure why the final head didn't work nearly as well for me. Almost seemed more like a caricature of him.

Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

As someone who has purchased every single release so far, I still say that the First Doctor is one of the single best releases they ever put out, and an early high water mark for big chief as far as both paint apps and outfit goes. I honestly don't understand how anyone could call that release low quality. :dunno

Where should I start? The crappy casting that diluted most of the detail of the original sculpt, the horrendous paint job, Big Chief's typical monstrous tailoring, or that cape that could never sit right no matter how much it was futzed.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

I have to say bollocks to all of that. Other than the scarf, which is terrible, the tailoring is among the best on any of their Who figures, both in terms of quality and fit. I've never had a problem with any of it, unlike many of the other Doctors coats for example. Also, unlike other short statured Doctors released since, the body is actually appropriately scaled smaller on this one. In fact, I suspect, the different body on this release may be another reason it hasn't been rereleased.

As far as paint jobs go, I had to get the Fourth Doctor, both Tenth Doctors,the first Eleventh Doctor, and Amy Pond expensively repainted to be happy with them, I also got the Twelfth Doctor repainted just because the hair colour bothered me, I've never even considered repainting the First Doctor, who stands proudly amidst the professionally repainted Doctors at the front of my display to this day. Horrendous paint job my eye.

It may not be a perfect likeness, none of the figures really are, but it is still instantly recognizable and easily the closest anyone has gotten to Hartnell so far. Also, personally I don't think it lost any more detail than most other sculpts from prototype to production. I sometimes wonder if one issue is people not used to seeing Hartnell represented in colour. Another might be the expression chosen, as in profile the sculpt looks absolutely bang on Hartnell, but front on isn't quite as strong. Regardless, the figure looks a lot more like Bill Hartnell from any angle than either Richard Hurndall or David Bradley did, so that was, and still is, enough to make me very happy with it.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

The Hartnell figure has it's issues but it's still up there with the second Smith version and McGann as BC best so far (in the Who line that is). That War Dr version looks good too but i never picked it up.

My main gripe is not so much the likeness of the sculpt to Hartnell, but it's size...it's over-scaled which is why i prefer him with the hat on. The scarf is over-scaled too and the cape could have done with having some wire running through the hem to help it sit better.

The frock coat is a tad too tight fitting as well (the Capaldi fig had the same issue)

It's still one of my favourites though:)
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

Yes, it is a smidge over-sized, with that I do agree.

As for the War Doctor, he turned out really good overall, at least in my opinion. My only real issue with that one is that he's too tall (same with Eight). There's also the infamous crack at the back of the head uncovered by close up photos back in the day, but I couldn't even see it on mine, and any flaw that I can't see in regular conditions doesn't personally bother me really.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

Some people carry big grudges. I believe it affects their ability to think critically.
Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

I have to say bollocks to all of that. Other than the scarf, which is terrible, the tailoring is among the best on any of their Who figures, both in terms of quality and fit. I've never had a problem with any of it, unlike many of the other Doctors coats for example. Also, unlike other short statured Doctors released since, the body is actually appropriately scaled smaller on this one. In fact, I suspect, the different body on this release may be another reason it hasn't been rereleased.

Don't agree at all. I don't know who that sculpt is supposed to look like, but it certainly isn't William Hartnell. They didn't even get the iconic hairstyle right.

I don't know how you can say anything positive about the cape, as IMO that is the weakest part of the figure. It doesn't drape around him at all, and instead bunches up around him in a really cheap looking way.

If you are happy with it than all the power to you. But personally that and the War Doctor were the weakest likenesses from the line for me. Whereas I thought the strongest two were McGann and Eccleston.