1/6 Ghostbusters Custom Headsculpts

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Super Freak
Sep 30, 2006
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Hey, guys -

I sat down last night with a piece of clay in my hand for the first time in months - just messing around while waiting for some Daniel Craig resin heads to cure (yes - I'm still trickling out those lol) and wouldn't you know it - Dan Ackroyd suddenly appeared from the lump.

I have a few weeks off before I start my new day gig - so this thread is the beginning of my GHOSTBUSTERS HS project!

Stay tuned for pics :)

Count me in for a set!
You gotta make Winston Zeddmore too!

Glad to see you back around Tin! :rock
I definitely want a set of Ghostbusters! I'm watching with much interest!
I'm pretty excited, too.

I'll release them as they become available - instead of waiting for the whole set to get done.

In this order:

1. Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd)
2. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray)
3. Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis)
4. Winston Zeddmore (Ernie Hudson)
5. Louis Tully (Rick Moranis)

Tully will be a BONUS HS: Buy all the other four and get Tully FREE!!!!!

It would be awesome if someone made a Proton Pack available for these - ehhem - Les? :)
Wow, tinister...are you reading my mind or what? :confused: :D After seeing Angor's nice Bill Murray as Peter Venkman custom Ghostbuster 12" figure in an old Toyfare issue, I got inspired to make my own. I've at least got started with Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. But I still have to get the proton packs made, and get some custom nametag nametapes, and the "no ghosts" patches each Ghostbuster wears on the top of one of their sleeves.

I got two nice headsculpts on eBay a few months ago for Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray. I have since painted them. I found some brown BBI soldier jumpsuits I'm using for the Ghostbusters. I would love to get custom heads from you! I could still buy an entire set...if I can afford the prices of them. I'm really needing a Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore, and a Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler head. Sure, a Rick Moranis as Louis Tully would be a nice one to have too. I know I'd want him to round out the set. You don't see custom heads for those three guys on eBay or anywhere else that I've seen for that matter! Anyway, I thought about attempting to make my own "proton packs" using Super Sculpey. I have lots of reference pictures of them, especially from 1:1 scale props of the packs from guys that have made them for Halloween costumes. I could provide you with the pictures if you need them.

If you are planning on making the proton packs, I'd like to see them when they're done and find out your price for them. I know I'd would want 4 of them. One for each Ghostbuster. I could post a few pictures of my painted Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray heads here, but I was not going to do it without your permission first. Since this is your thread. If you want to see them, please send me a PM, and I can get them to you, or let me know if you will allow me to post them on this thread. But, anyway, I am DEFINITELY interested in your custom Ghostbusters heads, and proton packs! I'll be waiting to see how they turn out. If you don't plan on making the proton packs maybe we could convince "figuremasterles" to make them! I know he's really busy, but maybe somewhere down the line he would agree to do them. It's worth a shot! Thanks! :D
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Hey, JediMike71 -

If you want - go ahead and post the pics of your painted Aykroyd and Murray. I've never seen sculpts of them before. Would be good to see how those came out.

You can also post pics of the prop Proton Packs if you like - or PM them to me.

I usually end up make full figures of my Headsculpts - so I'll likely end up making packs. And will make them available if they turn out cool.

Thanks! Tin
Thanks tinister! I'm showing a few pics of my painted Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray here in this post. I still have to do some work on the paint jobs on them guys, they're not completely done. Again, a "work in progress". Tinister, even if your proton packs don't turn out cool, I'd still like to get them and especially the custom heads for Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler, and Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore. I cannot find them anywhere. There isn't much of a big demand for them. So, I'd love to have them to complete my four Ghostbusters guys. I'm also trying to find someone to make custom patches of the guys nametags, and the "no ghosts" patch they wore on one of thier sleeves. Anyone out there make custom stickers or patches for 1/6 scale figures? Please let me know here on this thread! Thanks! Okay...without further delay...."Who You Gonna Call....?"






I used some BBI modern army guy bodies for them I found at Toys 'R Us for about $10.00
each. They already had the light brown jumpsuits with that army guy, so I just put on the custom heads, and painted the boots black. Originally the boots were the light brown desert combat boots like our troops are wearing in Iraq now. I plan on getting some black t-shirts to go under their jumpsuits. I also may get some black elbow pads and some black gloves like they wore in the movie.

Sorry about the pics being a little blurry. I'll take some more again tonight and repost them in this thread. But these pics now at least give you an idea of how they look...so far. I added some Super Sculpey to Dan's hair to give his hair that more '80s look he had in the first movie! Because the head sculpt had just a boring parted hair style that just didn't look right for him as Dr. Raymond Stantz!

Did you finish your Dan Aykroyd sculpt yet Tinister? I'd love to see it here. Send us a "teaser"! Thanks! :D

I'll post some pics of the proton packs here in another reply.
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Thanks for the pics, JediMike71!

The Murray looks pretty good. The Aykroyd is a little too narrow. But it's great to see what others have done.

I'd be interested in patches myself.


I sort of learned from my previous HS projects to not release pics too soon.

Tin :)
Thanks Tinister. Yeah, I really lucked out finding these Aykroyd and Murray sculpts on eBay. Now that I've thought about it I'd still like to buy an entire set of the custom heads of the 4 Ghostbusters guys plus Louis Tully from you. If I like your sculpts I will mount them on some other bodies, possibly better ones, like Dragon, or Hot Toys. Yeah, I plan on "beefing up" my Dan Aykroyd's body. Possibly putting a padded vest under his jumpsuit. Dan was always heftier than the other three guys! Here's some pictures of a prop of the proton pack I found on eBay a few months ago. I saved them for reference for when I started trying to make my own proton packs.



Here's one of the "wand" that the Ghostbusters hold on to make the beams come out of the proton packs:




The following picture shows the side of the proton pack that faces your back when you put it on your back, along with the two green shoulder straps, and what looks to be a waist pad, or waist strap.




Finally...one last great shot of the guys after they've defeated the "Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" at the end of the movie. Check it out!


Tinister I hope these pictures help you in the making of the proton packs for the 1/6 scale Ghostbusters! Sign me up for them, and a set of your custom heads!

"We're ready to believe you!" :D
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Ghostbusters nametags and "no ghosts" patches.

Tinister here are three of the four Ghostbusters nametags and "no ghosts" patches that they each wore on their outfits, at the top of their right sleeves near their shoulder. I am hoping to find a customizer out there that can make these as fabric patches that can be glued on to the 1/6 scale, or 12" Ghostbusters figures. Do you, or any other member out there know of anyone that makes custom patches, or stickers for 1/6 scale figures? Please post here and let me know! Thanks!

The first one is for Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray):


The second one is for Dr. Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd):


The third one is for Dr. Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis):


The fourth one I'm missing a picture of is for Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore. His nametag like with the other 3 guys just says his last name in all caps, "ZEDDEMORE" in red thread on the black tag background. He wears the same "no ghosts" patch the other guys do on the top of their right sleeves.

Here's a picture of him from Ghostbusters 2. The "no ghosts" patches and the nametags stayed the same from the first to the second movie, except for the "no ghost" patch held up two fingers for the number 2 for Ghostbusters 2.


I've got lots of Ghostbusters pictures Tinister! I'm very happy to help you out with this project, because I've wanted custom 12" figures of the guys for a LONG time! Let's keep this going....I'm here to help you my friend! :D
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Dang! These are awesome reference pics, JediMike71!

I've never really had a close look at the Proton packs before. I'm pretty confident I can make a pretty good stab at one.

Thanks a bunch!

As for the patchs: If I were to make them - I'd use thin latex with the details embossed on them. Then I'd use paint to paint in the colors. They then can be glued on the fabric.

Not hard to do - and I'll probably end up making them for my set of figures, too.

BTW: On second glance at your Aykroyd figure- the resemblance is actually really good.

Give me a couple weeks and I'll post the first rough Aykroyd head.

Thanks tinister! Yeah, sadly like some of us (myself included!), we go from skinny to hefty guys. Know what I mean? Dan's no exception. He's gradually put on the pounds over the years.

I'm here for you man! Here to help you get this project done properly. I think with those reference pictures you could make some decent proton packs. I know if you even got them close to how they look in the movie, I'd get them!

That's a great idea for the nametags and "no ghosts" patches for the figures! If you do make you a set for you figures, please make me a set of them too! I'd gladly pay you for them, along with a set of the custom heads and proton packs.

We could PM each other later on when you're ready to talk about pricing and all the other details. Yeah, I'll keep working on my Murray and Aykroyd head. I think when I added more hair to Dan's head to resemble how he wore it in the movie, it made him look more like the character. The hair before was very flat and just boring. :rolleyes:

I'll stay in touch, and let me know if you need any other Ghostbusters pictures for reference! Thanks! :D


One more picture there for you for now! Enjoy!
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I'd go nuts for a full set of the boys. HT would be the right company to trick out the equipment too. I gotta imagine the license would be fairly cheap at this point.
I agree that Hot Toys would be the ideal company to make the Ghostbusters, or at least their outifits and gear. After seeing how great of job they've done so far with Rambo, Rocky, the ALIENS marines, and other licenses, I know they could do it. Yeah, I imagine the Ghostbusters license isn't that expensive now...I guess. But, I think we should let tinister have a shot at sculpting the heads and the proton packs too. I am looking forward to seeing his work! :D
I'm just jazzed that this thread exists!!! I've seen that Murray sculpt on eBay now for years and I'm glad to see someone tackling it. I've been waiting for movie based Ghostbusters since 1984! Great pic of the proton packs too JediMike! I may just build 1:1!
I can't take the credit guys for that great looking 1:1 proton pack. I found the pictures on eBay to use as a reference for making my own 1/6 scale proton packs. I did paint the Aykroyd and Murray heads though. The Bill Murray head I got was a recast of the "infamous" Andgor head sculpt. Yeah, that Andgor Bill Murray as Peter Venkman inspired me to make my own. That was after e-mailing Andgor over and over without any reply from them! After seeing how much trouble they've caused to members on this board, I am happy I never sent them a single dollar for anything at all! Hopefully tinister will turn out some great head sculpts and proton packs. I'll all behind him to keep this project going! :D