1/6 Hot Toys - Ahsoka series - Zombie Death Trooper

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Lucas simp
Jun 6, 2017
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I didn't watch the show - why is everyone's armor wrapped in red ribbon?

And the main armor treatment - the cracks and gold - has a similar vibe to the HT porcelain trooper. Like a vintage/cracked tea setting or maybe marble.
Pay close attention to the thread’s title to get the hint.
I didn't watch the show - why is everyone's armor wrapped in red ribbon?

And the main armor treatment - the cracks and gold - has a similar vibe to the HT porcelain trooper. Like a vintage/cracked tea setting or maybe marble.
Because the Night Sisters wear red robes.
Err, because zombies love red ribbon? Or am I not paying close enough attention to get the hint?
I took it that Red ribbon was the cheapest way for the show production to visually imply that these Trooper’s armour had to be patched together using whatever material was available due to years of being stranded and suffering damage- and it justifies selling yet another trooper variant figure.

It serves no other apparent purpose.
I still need to take a look at the show but it just doesn't really seem like this is what zombie stormtroopers would actually look like. If you're undead, how does armor even matter anyway (and not that it helped living stormies...) yet all of these guys seem to have pretty much complete armor like a regular stormie and I've seen clones with more mismatched color schemes.

I will say that zombie clones is getting pretty far out there, even for SW.

Still don't get what the gold parts signify. Yes, I'll check out the show. :lol
Well, they were just regular Stormtroopers wearing silly ribbon until the very end of the show, where they suddenly became zombies.

The gold seams and repair work is just another reference to Japanese culture and the practice of Kintsugi- same thing Kylo Ren did to put his helmet back together.
I took it that Red ribbon was the cheapest way for the show production to visually imply that these Trooper’s armour had to be patched together using whatever material was available due to years of being stranded and suffering damage- and it justifies selling yet another trooper variant figure.

It serves no other apparent purpose.
How dare you be so cynical hahaha 🤣
Hmm, the Japanese used that for ceramic/pottery bowls, not armor. :lol
…Yes, and Han Solo is based on a cowboy archetype, but he doesn’t ride a horse.

Should the fact it’s not a direct representation stop a sci-fi writer referencing a Japanese cultural practice for their own purpose, especially when it’s fairy widely known that Star Wars is heavily influenced by old samurai movies and often described as a samurai western when it’s not being called a space opera?
Its just using an obvious source for inspiration.

Also, if you’re willing apply the Japanese philosophy of kingsugi to Thrawn then its usage also serves his character and troops a little and isn’t purely a design implementation intended solely to sell yet another trooper variant figure.
Surprised this hasn’t gone up yet. Glad to finally have confirmation of the zombie head and not just an undamaged helmet head.