1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Im conflicted, he has a point. But his angles suck and he didnt really bother to properly futz the hair. No figure bats a thousand.
To be fair, Optical isn’t the guy for that, his opinion still stands though. You can look at the repaint Heise did on that sculpt if you want to hear us sing high praises about it.
The prototype pictures look really good
The final product is a bit disappointing
Agreed... been saying that since I unboxed it
Makes me sad I did
Same. Sort of wish I would've just went with the standard and spent the extra money on the mods/custom parts rather than in addition to them.
To be fair, Optical isn’t the guy for that, his opinion still stands though. You can look at the repaint Heise did on that sculpt if you want to hear us sing high praises about it.
Yup. His angles in the video don't change the fact that the final product was pretty big drop in quality particularly for the smirking/jail headsculpt.
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Yup. His angles in the video don't change the fact that the final product was pretty big massive drop in quality particularly for the smirking/jail headsculpt.
He’s been around far too long to not know a good figure when he sees one. Just because he isn’t like us who constantly upgrade, futz, trim, restyle, recolor et cetera, doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

We’ve all been desensitized to what an exceptional Heath Ledger Joker looks like, none of these companies were ever going to wow those of us familiar with Ledger custom work, but this release in particular feels like a bait and switch and I can’t seem to shake that thought whenever I look at them, doesn’t matter who’s copy I’m looking at either. I can’t stand how coarse the hair roots are, they look and feel cheap, almost like a machine did it.

You’ll have a hard time finding someone who’s content and actually likes a release of their favorite character.
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Somebody made a video just a few days ago ripping into this figure. I can't blame him.

View attachment 712563

They were pretty dishonest with their prototype photos on how the sculpt actually looked in a more neutral environment. Prototype sculpt was angled extremely downwards, eyes and pupils are almost fully hidden (you can barely see them in the prototype photos), lit from above to cast an even heavier shadow on the eyes, etc.

Then you see the sculpt from head on in person and you notice just how wonky it really is, in addition to the downgrades, which they hid. The only way to get it to look close is to mimic the way they shot the prototype photos. Anything outside of that and it's lost, which was a ****** thing to do.

I don't think the sculpt itself was changed but more so the fact that we just weren't shown what it really looked like, which is ****** on its own merits.




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I spend some more time restyling the hair a few days ago. My man goal was trying to open up those big batches of hair along the hairline, getting more loose strands to show, and reducing the overall volume.

I also removed the back panel completely for now. I didn't have time to thin it out, and it has so much hair on it that it completely distorts his head shape when put on. From the front and side you don't even notice it's missing, so redoing that will be for another day.

What bothers me most now is how off the hair color is on top. For some reason I have some quite reddish brown strands on top, in the most visible part. It's not as vibrant as it appears in my photos (the overhead light is not doing it any favors), but it's still noticeably off. So I'm still planning on adding more green to the hair, maybe some more thin strands here and there along the hairline, and repainting the head and eyelids slightly at some point, but again, for another day. I am quite happy with how he looks now.






Stock vs. now:

I don't have any interest in the detonator - I already got one from kit - but I filled in the survey. On the off chance that I win one, I'll give it to someone here on the forum for free.

But being in product management myself, I appreciate them doing a user survey. I assume that if they set up this questionnaire, they'll actually analyze the results, so I gave detailed feedback.
(The survey could use some more fine-tuning in terms of answer options, but eh, it's a start).
Somebody made a video just a few days ago ripping into this figure. I can't blame him.

View attachment 712563

Yeesh, that figure came out as complete trash, very happy I cancelled my order. Surprised by the love it got, an utter dupe for a grand.

I'd love to know what happened and how they got it so wrong when their other releases are stellar.

Hope Phoenix Joker doesn't have the same.
Yeesh, that figure came out as complete trash, very happy I cancelled my order. Surprised by the love it got, an utter dupe for a grand.

I'd love to know what happened and how they got it so wrong when their other releases are stellar.

Hope Phoenix Joker doesn't have the same.
They just seem to have trouble in production on some parts of their figures. The hair on their new Harry Potter gives him an oversized head similar to Joker, not sure how to fix that in hand, meanwhile the accessories are excellent.