Re: Palpatine Image Thread
I finally had a chance to open up the box and set up my figures.
I want to say that both figures are fantastic. I honestly could only find "1" major negative, which will be posted later.
Chancellor Palpatine is simply perfect out of the box. Headsculpt is on target. The paint apps are, in my opinion, even better than Ben Kenobi's. I prefer this type of paint application to Ben's. Skin tone is perfect and there is no glossy sheen. Even the white hair and eyebrows are fine, though they had looked too bright in the photos that I had previously seen. The outfit is simply beautiful. Wonderful use of materials to recreate the outfit in 1/6th scale. A Perfect 10, in my book.
Darth Sidious is also a great figure right out of the box. I even got the hood to sit perfectly, on the first try. Another beautiful outfit as well. I did notice, once displayed between Asajj and Maul, that his outfit is actually a very dark grey and not entirely black. The "fuzzy" shoulder pads are closer to black but the rest of the outfit is more charcoal in color. No biggie, just an observation. Lack of pants is not a big deal but I feel he should have brought them. Paint apps were nice, considering the rather pale complexion given to the actor. Eyes were painted very well on both figures. Sidious's hands, in particular, are very well sculpted and painted.
My only negatives are that Sidious's body has loose joints, particularly the shoulders and the hips. I have trouble keeping his arms raised in any pose. The loose hips caused him to shelf dive on me, right after I had set him up on the shelf. Luckily, nothing was broken in the dive, but it was definitely bothersome to have to set him up once again. Also, the collar of the "fuzzy" material is a bit loose on mine. Not neatly sewn.
I gave this figure a score of 8 of 10. The loose joints brought it down big-time, for me.
Extras: The droid is a great addition. The tiny exclusive statue is cool. Not a "must-have" item, but a nice additional piece. My lightsabers were painted fine.
These are must-haves in any 1/6th Star Wars figure collection.