1984 Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese. Need help.

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Good Enough Never Is!
CF Supporter
Dec 16, 2008
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This is not a public interest thread for head commissions like the Cameron sculpt, even though future reproduction in limited quantities is not out of the question, but I want reference pics and material suggestions.

I know lots of you have great pics of Sarah and Kyle from T1, so please post those here.

Also, I have only done modification costums on existing heads before. What I would like to do this time is a complete scratch build sculpt of both characters to be compatible with Hot Toys bodies. I don't know what material (sculpy, wax, etc.) I should use to sculpt these out of, or what tricks to use to make them come out right.

Any suggestions, advice, links, and pics would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I don't know much about Sarah, but I have an '84 Reese made by Darkartist81. I think the base head was from the Future Reese (or maybe Hicks) HT figure and the clothes were all modified. But the end product is pretty badass IMO.

My version is the green coat and I think he used Connor McCleod's jacket from Sideshow.
Yeah, the future Reese or Hick heads are the best for '84 Reese, and the clothes need to be bashed from other stuff.

My '84 Hicks is a future Reese head moded by xenoviper and I think the jacket came from an HT Trautman. Not sure about the pants,shirt or shoes.
I've seen the Darkartist ones. Those look good.

Mine will be totally original headsculpts, not mods of existing stuff. I want to see if I've got what it takes to rival Hot Toys, or at least Sideshow.

Mostly what I'm asking for is what should I sculpt the heads out of, and I need reference pics.
Super Sculpey (regular or firm) seem to work for most people. I prefer the regular, but seems the firm is more popular in general (as the color makes it easier to see detail).

Good luck on your quest :rock
Never used that before, didn't know it came in firm. Whrere is a good place to get it? I've seen sculpy at Michaels, but never noticed a firm version. Can you bake it hard?
Both can be baked hard... I think Michael's should sell both. I buy mine at Hobby Lobby which is essentially the same store.

The firm comes in a smaller box and costs a bit more.
Oh, and I had difficulty getting eyes to look right... but I've been using airsoft BB's which are a great size for eyes on 1/6 figures. And they take the heat of baking w/no issues.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="https://toysplenty.com/wordpressblog/?tracker=4075"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="https://toysplenty.com/wordpressblog/?tracker=4075" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>Oh, and I had difficulty getting eyes to look right... but I've been using airsoft BB's which are a great size for eyes on 1/6 figures. And they take the heat of baking w/no issues.

I'm afraid to screw up on the eyes, I'll be taking that tip thanks.
You can also just roll little balls of sculpy and bake them... the BBs are nice though as they are ready to go.
I've been painting up my Reese head I got from Les a while back.

It's gonna be better than the Kings!!
Looking forward to seeing it... but sadly I think mine will still be better.

BTW Evil, send me some of those HT sunglasses... no need to charge me.