A little help? Leia's Here...

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Super Freak
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC, USA
Leia Premium Format Exclusive

EDIT (Since no one deleted this thread, I thought I'd hijack it for my pics. :D You'll find them further down. Everything in this post after this is old info. )

Leia's...but I ain't photographing her yet. :(

There are two reasons for this. First, I want to fix that wrinkly robe. How have you guys fixed yours? Remove it and iron it? Spray it with distilled water and hope? Steam it at the dry cleaner?

Secondly, I've got the heavy eyeliner problem. There are two ways I can think of to fix this. One is to match the skin color and paint some of it out. The other is to find somthing that will sort of blur the eyeliner up toward her eyes more. Any tips?

Thanks! :D
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I haven't dared do anything to her wrinkles, except take her out of the box and leave her like that -- they did straighten a bit in the past fortnight, but not radically.

I'm still hoping Sideshow will see fit to answer the questions about this issue I posted in the Ask thread. Until I get the official word, I'm not risking any damage to the piece, by water or heat.

As for the heavy eyeliner -- mine is movie-accurate, as Fisher did wear it. Best leave it alone, unless yours looks like a raccoon. (And I like raccoon makeup on girls, so there.)
Okay, so I lied...

This piece is a thing of beauty, as much so as was the woman upon which it's based. The dress is stark, snowblind-a-polar bear white and the wrinkles, I'm guessing, are impossible to get out. But I've hope.

I don't feel like writing much today, so I'm just gonna post the pics and let you guys have your say.










why does it look like her ****ies are bigger on yours than on mine?

d@mnit, i have to go look now
Focus, Bum, focus. :lol

Play with her dress a little. (I swear that sounded decent in my head...) That helped with mine a little, I think.
Fantastic pictures my friend. I know want to go buy this but know I shouldn't. lol:chew :monkey5
she looks great from some angles.. and like one of the 7 dwarves from others (huge oversized nose..... why do all SS figures have oversized noses? lol)

but those photos are fantastic! well done :)
I may be in the minority here but I think she's the best SW PF so far. All the others have some form of issues, one way or another, but I think the Leia PF is the complete package. Great sculpt, great paintjob and great pose.

She's the only PF so far that I would consider picking up. (with the exception of Han Solo, and only if a Chewie PF was guaranteed.)
Now this is an iconic image of Star Wars--- and your pics definitely make me envious and if it wasn't for my bank manager holding me at bay with a pitchfork I would order this--- and probably every other PF I can get my hands on. Spectacular.
Great pics! I left the wrinkles as is on mine. Over time they've smoothed out a bit but are still there. I find that a perfectly-ironed and pristine outfit looks out of place in the "used universe" of Star Wars, so unless a wrinkle looks blantantly off, I leave it alone.

I did lightly iron the exlusive poncho for the Luke PF, but not to where it was completely smooth.
Monk said:
I noticed that oversized nose myself. :lol But only after I had taken the pics. Weird.

oh it's a Sideshow thing not a PF thing. It's on all the 12"ers too. some quite subtle... some less so