Ahsoka VS Jar-Jar

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Who do you like more as a character?

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Totally enjoying the Clone Wars every friday. Just wish I could see it in HD. Ahsoka is a bit annoying, but kind of like a niece when she comes to visit during the holidays.
As irritating as JJ can be, i actually think he was at least a neat idea. Ahsoka never was! Anakin shoulda never had a padawan IMO. And she was created purely for marketing to kids/girls and merchandising in mind IMO. (now you can argue that with many SW characters, but this was just so......Blatantly obvious to me)
As irritating as JJ can be, i actually think he was at least a neat idea. Ahsoka never was! Anakin shoulda never had a padawan IMO. And she was created purely for marketing to kids/girls and merchandising in mind IMO. (now you can argue that with many SW characters, but this was just so......Blatantly obvious to me)

Come on man Hanna "Ahsoka" Montana is sooooo coooool.
Both of them were created purely for appealing/marketing to kids.

I'll take Ahsoka over Jar Jar anyday. I'd take a swift kick in the balls over Jar Jar anyday.
I did have a moment of hesitation, but w/o a doubt I hate Jar Jar more. He was a big part of what sucked in what (for the most part) was a really good movie. Ahsoka, while annoying (but seemingly toned down from the theatrical release) is at least fairly interesting/useful and says much less stupid stuff.

The real test is when we are exposed to Jar Jar farting around in an upcoming episode, we've all seen the clips and I can say nothing else makes me cringe more :lecture

Personally i'd rather have my balls removed with a rusty saw than sit through another Jar Jar experience, its the only thing that made Episode 3 watchable to me...HE DIDNT SPEAK!

Ahsoka...yes shes annoying, she's having the whole "morals and choices" thing thrown at her in the series. I havent seen the film (yet), i've read the book...and if she'd been my student i'd have slapped a grenade to her back and sent her off into the enemies frontline just to shut her up...

But to me she's less annoying than Jar Jar, so she gets my vote...sadly...

damn you for not putting a niether option on there Krayt!
I remember seeing the first trailer for TPM and I thought Jar Jar was going to like Chewbacca. In the trailer there was a shot of him, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan inside the Gungan Sub, which I assumed was a spaceship. So I figured Jar Jar was going to be a co-pilot type character that spoke his own language, much like Chewbacca. He probably would have been pretty cool if that turned out to be the case. Then 60 Minutes had a feature on the movie one night and I heard Jar Jar talk for the first time. I got an unpleasant feeling in my stomach, which only got worse when I saw the movie and found out he was also ridiculously clumsy. If only Double J had more more like Chewy...

I also find Ahsoka to be annoying, but no more annoying that the battle droids have become. I just have to remind myself that it's intended for the kiddies, and not let it ruin my enjoyment of watching Clone Wars.
Jar Jar will forever be the nadir of SW simply because of the screen time he has in TPM.

Ziro the Hutt is probably worse than any character to date, though.
I remember seeing the first trailer for TPM and I thought Jar Jar was going to like Chewbacca. In the trailer there was a shot of him, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan inside the Gungan Sub, which I assumed was a spaceship. So I figured Jar Jar was going to be a co-pilot type character that spoke his own language, much like Chewbacca. He probably would have been pretty cool if that turned out to be the case. Then 60 Minutes had a feature on the movie one night and I heard Jar Jar talk for the first time. I got an unpleasant feeling in my stomach, which only got worse when I saw the movie and found out he was also ridiculously clumsy. If only Double J had more more like Chewy...

gotta agree............if they never would have given him that annoying voice and made such a complete ******** of him he might have been a decent sidekick. he did have a cool & unique look to him but as soon as you hear "mesa jar jar binks"...........it totally wrecks any kind of semblance to what could have been an interesting character.
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Jar Jar for sure---if Barack OR McCain would just speak like JJ I think the election would be over
Ahsoka vs. Jar Jar? Really? C'mon.... This is just yet another EU hater thread.

True, Ahsoka was created to make the show more identifiable to children. However, I think Ahsoka has a dark future. She's the apprentice of the one who destroys everything, the epitome of evil in the Star Wars universe. So while she's happy go lucky now, I have a feeling we'll see her mature and the series grow darker before it's done.

As for Jar Jar, well, really now, it's all Jar Jar's fault, isn't it? After all, he was the one that granted emergency powers to Palpatine anyway and has the satisfaction of being the single most annoying creation of an otherwise brilliant man, inflicted on the masses of this planet for no other reason than to appeal to children.

I'd take Ahsoka over Jar Jar in a heartbeat and any half sane, non-biased, freethinking human being would do the same. Besides, she has a lightsaber and a brain that can form complete sentences without babytalking!

I don't really know what's worse... suffering the reoccurring threads from OT fanboys who want to spit on everything that's not "OT" (like this very thread) or having to experience the rope torture from Casino Royale...:p
Regarding the topic, does it matter?
I love Ahsoka, I feel she's exactly what Star Wars needed in order to breath new life into the series. And its working; I've noticed now that ever since CW was released, there's a bigger buzz in kids at the toy stores.
I've also noticed how collectors who are parents themselves are reconnecting with their own childhoods in seeing their kids loving and being excited about the series much as they were 30 years ago. That's a very special thing, and I think its pretty childish to bash Ahsoka or Jar Jar merely because they don't fit one's own narrow view of what SW should or shouldn't be.
Ahsoka vs. Jar Jar? Really? C'mon.... This is just yet another EU hater thread.

I don't really know what's worse... suffering the reoccurring threads from OT fanboys who want to spit on everything that's not "OT" (like this very thread) or having to experience the rope torture from Casino Royale...:p
