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Insufferable S.O.B.
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Tree of Woe
If a picture of a figure/statue/bust/shampoo bottle is posted:

you can't praise it or point out the flaws.

You can't compare the said item to figures retailing for 3 times it's price nor say it is better than similar item that is less than half it's cost.

You shall not talk about how much the said item costs. If it's too much, tuff *****.

If a picture of a custom is posted:

You MUST say good work because it is always better than what the company produced. ALWAYS.

You can't point out how crappy it looks because the person spent weeks on the eyebrows.

These are written in stone and can't be changed. But amendments can be added.
First rule of Fight Club is...

If a picture of a figure/statue/bust/shampoo bottle is posted:

you can't praise it or point out the flaws.

You can't compare the said item to figures retailing for 3 times it's price nor say it is better than similar item that is less than half it's cost.

I think you can - but only if you acknowledge the price difference. Sometimes a figure costs 3 times as much and its worse anyhow!

[quote[You shall not talk about how much the said item costs. If it's too much, tuff *****.[/quote]

If a picture of a custom is posted:

You MUST say good work because it is always better than what the company produced. ALWAYS.

You can't point out how crappy it looks because the person spent weeks on the eyebrows.

I think most customiser would be happy with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If your comment is "its crap" then better not to post. Even better - if you are going to criticise suggest how it could be made better in detail or provide a reference photo showing how its wrong ;)

These are written in stone and can't be changed. But amendments can be added.

L-A-W Law (one for the Aussies). :emperor
Bobo Fat says yousa cawaaazy!!!

I still feel the 1/4 scale shampoo bottles are much better quality than the 1/6 versions. I would much rather have one 1/4 scale shampoo bottle to five 1/6 scale shampoo bottles. Quality vs. quantity is what I always say.
If a picture of a custom is posted:

You MUST say good work because it is always better than what the company produced. ALWAYS.

You can't point out how crappy it looks because the person spent weeks on the eyebrows.

These are written in stone and can't be changed. But amendments can be added.

If there is one thing I hate is when people praise someone when the custom is clearly crap. Constructive critism is of course the best plan, but sometimes calling a spade a spade or admitting that the emperor is naked is the only way to encourage some to either try harder or quit wrecking their toys.
If there is one thing I hate is when people praise someone when the custom is clearly crap. Constructive critism is of course the best plan, but sometimes calling a spade a spade or admitting that the emperor is naked is the only way to encourage some to either try harder or quit wrecking their toys.

:rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2

Yes sir. Customs are very much NOT ALWAYS better than what the company produced, and if you THINK so that's very much an opinion.
Bannister said:
. Quality vs. quantity is what I always say.

But when talking about hoes,you can never have too much of them.
If there is one thing I hate is when people praise someone when the custom is clearly crap. Constructive critism is of course the best plan, but sometimes calling a spade a spade or admitting that the emperor is naked is the only way to encourage some to either try harder or quit wrecking their toys.

Very true!! It's not always better.....In fact I have seen some downright horrible ones. If someone doesn't like what I do... cool. Just point out the mistakes so I know next time.

Sponsors growth in the artist and it SHOULD make them produce better work next time.

Just don't, please....for the love of God... EVER say...

"That blows..."

And leave it at that.... Nothing more annoying. At least explain why it blows. :lol
Now that is one beautiful dog! My favorite breed. A pain to take care of but well worth the effort. Hated cutting those toenails though.
I agree, when I did my first Anakin I had some very constructive criticism, virtually all of I knew myself anyway, but it was still constructive.

I've seen some terrible customs over the last few months especially with this new Sideshow line, which in my opinion have ruined the figures already fine paint job, and yet you get the usual instant reaction of "you just improved that figure 100%"

I'm sitting here thinking.. "what???" :lol

I think to tell someone they're great when they're not, doesnt help them at all.... tell us what we've done that's good, and tell us what we've done that could be better, and maybe how to do it.

hell, we'll never get any better if you dont ;)
PosterBoyKelly said:
Yes sir. Customs are very much NOT ALWAYS better than what the company produced, and if you THINK so that's very much an opinion.

I agree. Though after commenting a couple times on custom pieces I've stopped because a couple folks got pissy. :lol

DarkArtist81 said:
"That blows..."

And leave it at that.... Nothing more annoying. At least explain why it blows. :lol

It does get a little annoying for sure.
Shai Hulud said:
But when talking about hoes,you can never have too much of them.
With hoes, there are other factors, such as where have they been and most importantly are they up for THE FINGER OF DOOM!!!
I think the work of the good customisers is devalued when ANY custom is held up as being great - honesty is the best policy - if you've got a fragile ego don't post pics ;)

Hell - when I finally get my medievil kurgan I'll get some cool for finally getting it done but in terms of quality its not quite there and I'll be the first to admit it - but I did learn a little of sewing and sculpting out of it ;p I've not even got around to painting the frontline sculpt.
When I see a lousy custom, something that just shows utter lack of talent and the inability to discern between improvement and utter waste of space....

I keep my mouth shut.

Why? Because my innitial efforts were not so grand either. We all have to start somewhere. And I know that when I first started, I wanted to share, but I also did not have a thick enough skin to take harsh criticism. And make no mistake, this forum has the ability to dish out some extremely harsh criticism, masked as being helpful, when some of us are really just mean spirited. I know I have that capacity.

I'm pleased to say no one has yet had to really knock me down a peg for my work, and a lot of the criticsm I've received has yeilded genuinely awesome ideas which have only helped me improve, for which I am extremely grateful to you all. You keep me from getting complacent.

Wow, who thought this crap thread would actually yeild an interesting conversation. This is what happens when someone other than Dannie starts a purposely stupid thread.:rolleyes:
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Customikey said:
Wow, who tought this crap thread would actually yeild an interesting conversation. This is what happens when someone other than Dannie starts a purposely stupid thread.:rolleyes:

Many would agree with your "tought" there Mikeyboy. :lol

Glad I'm annoying someone at least....and I love every moment of it! :rock
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