Angel PF/Comiquette X-men updates?

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Mr. Kennedy

Mar 14, 2010
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are we going to see more updates on this statue or know when it will be coming out? We saw sneak peeks before Rogue PF and it seems to me Rogue will be released first
Unfortunately SS has said it is 1/5 scale comiquette.
1/5th scale = PASS...let it sit on their shelves until they get the message folks. Whether Sideshow wants to recognize it or not, most fans are picky and want 1/4th scale. Why would I want to display a tiny comiquette next to the awesomeness of the Cyclops, Rogue, and Wolverine 1/4th?
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Unfortunately, I fear we're gonna get Archangel in 1/4 scale, since they seem to be going with Jim Lee looks in 1/4 scale. But Angel is a much more iconic look. Too bad.

I would take a 1/4th Angel...but Archangel in 1/4th = WIN :1-1:

Reasonable people do not want more 90s garbage.
That comment has so much fail...
Where the hell is Ink when I need him; he needs to put you back in your place. :thwak

Honestly, as long as it is in 1/4th I don't care if it is Angel or Archangel. It is a very, very big longshot, but I hope they make a 1/4th 80's Armored Psylocke and a jacketed Dazzler.
1/5th scale = PASS...let it sit on their shelves until they get the message folks. Whether Sideshow wants to recognize it or not, most fans are picky and want 1/4th scale. Why would I want to display a tiny comiquette next to the awesomeness of the Cyclops, Rogue, and Wolverine 1/4th?

1/5th scale = PASS...let it sit on their shelves until they get the message folks. Whether Sideshow wants to recognize it or not, most fans are picky and want 1/4th scale. Why would I want to display a tiny comiquette next to the awesomeness of the Cyclops, Rogue, and Wolverine 1/4th?


1/4 scale Angel OR ArchAngel would = pure awesomeness
1/5 scale = major pass.
No matter how good the sculpts are 1/5 just dont fit in with my collection and dont interest me...
He going to fit with Gambit and Rogue premium format?

What scale is what? confusing