another 1/6 Aussie

Collector Freaks Forum

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Super Freak
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
In the Can
Hi people, been lurking for a few weeks so I should out myself as a freak. My parents still don't know, I don't know how I can break it to them ("Oh yeah, I picked that up really cheap on ebay for mumble mumble two...mumble dollars")

I only fell into this January this year when I got an unexpected bonus at work. "What the hey, I'll get myself an expensive toy" and bought medicom's RAH bruce lee.

Then I found Alex's "Toy Haven" blog and before I knew it I got to know my DiD from my Soldier Story, my Hot Toys from my Sideshow and, sadly re: Bruce Lee, my medicom from my enterbay.

Six months ago I would have told anyone who paid around $150 for an action figure that they were... well, a freak. Now I find myself coming up with all sorts of reasons why I can really do without a pair of jeans with no hole in the ass but can't live without a T-800.

Well, that's my confession. I suppose I'll have more to confess if I slip into the world of kit bashing and customising, but this is still way out of league at the moment.

This is a solid community you have built here, you guys should be proud of it.

p.s. I'm putting together a little collection of movie and military figures. I'm not a purist - ie I can't tell if a WWII US ranger figure is wearing the wrong boots and it doesn't really bother me if Arnie's T-800 was wearing a black t-shirt when he was at the mall. Hopefully I will have some pics up in the 'shelves' threads sometime soon!
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Welcome, and let us warn you.. This hobby is 'Hotel California'.. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave! :rock

*technically, you can, but it's really very hard. You have to actively command yourself to stop collecting or even logging into forums :)
Welcome, and let us warn you.. This hobby is 'Hotel California'.. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!

*technically, you can, but it's really very hard. You have to actively command yourself to stop collecting or even logging into forums

well I've made a good start on the second part d'oh!:slap
Welcome! :) :duff

I'm not a purist - ie I can't tell if a WWII US ranger figure is wearing the wrong boots and it doesn't really bother me if Arnie's T-800 was wearing a black t-shirt when he was at the mall. Hopefully I will have some pics up in the 'shelves' threads sometime soon!

Yeah I don't get all worked up over screen accuracy either. I just want the figure to look great! :rock
Welcome to the board dude.

I used to live in Australia.
Sydney to be exact.
For about 8 years or so.

It's so hard to find 1/6 figures out there huh ?

Anyway, WELCOME !!!!
Welcome to the board dude.

I used to live in Australia.
Sydney to be exact.
For about 8 years or so.

It's so hard to find 1/6 figures out there huh ?

Anyway, WELCOME !!!!

It's not so bad if I can order from SE Asia, keeps the shiping cost down and some Hot Toys stuff can be a relative bargain (ie Leonidas for US$120 + $25 shipping). No luck with sideshow though, I paid a pretty penny for Vader and a Stormie recently.

This forum rocks, props to you all for making such a solid community. I was shot down recently in a forum dedicated to fans of a specific brand of figure... they really were a touchy bunch, couldn't handle my style of humour and they especially didn't like me asking probing questions about the brand in question.

No such problems here, even though it's called 'sideshow freaks' it seems that folks here love a quality figure regardless of the brand.

Thanks all for the welcome! :duff
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