Any chance of these Imperials being done?

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Sep 9, 2005
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Minas Miami
Would definitely make any display of Imperial officers a little more varied.

I would pick one up. Would like the headsculpt to look like the second guy with the moustache.

Those are pretty obscure - were they in any other shots or films? Personally I'd prefer a greater variety of grey and black. Death Star gunners, AT-AT commanders, etc.
Only want two imperials....

1) Generals Veers
2) Tarkin
SSC would make a killing by offering accessory packs that included imperial uniforms, different badges, etc. They could do the same for the Jedi.
Seriously doubt it...Hasbro hasnt done them (yet), so I can almost guarantee Sideshow wont.
The Moustache guy looks like the guy with the moustache in white in the Imperial briefing room...
I'm a big Imperial fan , but before getting those guys I'd rather see Tarkin, Veers, Ozzel, Motti, Captain Needa or Chief Bast.