Any of You Collect only Certain Star Wars PF's

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An Evil Collector?
Sep 18, 2005
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Big Boy Spaceship
Have the Grievous, Obi, and ordered the Maul, but really have no desire to get Han, Leia or Luke. Would like Vader. Maybe I'll sell Ben and stick with the bad guys only. Any of you not completists with the line?
Yeah, the good ones. I don't have Han or the first Luke. They don't look bad, but I'm hoping for better versions in the future.

And Leia is a must own.
I'd get just those I consider perfect, at this price point.

So that's Leia, Grievous, Maul, Luke & Yoda, and Fett for me. I'm sure others will have different preferences.
I had Luke, Han and Vader at one point, but sold each one. Never bought any of the others because there just wasn't enough need for me to have them. I do have Fett and Maul on order, so I might end up with one or both of them. I'm actually hoping that another Vader is done down the line without his saber. I just never did go for his "batter up" pose even though I knew a matching Obi-Wan would eventually get made. While most people would cry copycat, I think the first Attakus Vader pose is perfect and would love to see a PF done like that.
I'd like a Vader in that pose too. Yes, I think that's his ultimate standing attitude, especially in a PF.

Other than that one, though, I must say I have high hopes for GG's upcoming kneeling Vader... but that's off-topic here.
I have all exept leia and the Luke/Yoda. I now regret not buying Leia. So if anyone fancies selling a PF Leia to a fellow freak in England, give me a PM :cool:

At first I wasn't too struck on the Luke pose but with time I have started to really like it (so much so that I passed on him and Yoda as there was no need for two Lukes + I imagine there will be a Yoda statue in the not too distant future).

I'd say I intend to purchase most PF's but will possibly pass on one or two characters.
Darth Waller said:
I think the first Attakus Vader pose is perfect and would love to see a PF done like that.

I actually would have purchased a Maul PF, if he had been in that pose - as Qui-Gon and Obi encounter him. :maul

Anyway for me, I am pretty strictly an OT chap only and I have:

1) Luke ANH - I greatly prefer this to the ESB version, for me the "suns of Tatooine" moment has always been a favorite - of all six films. I think if you can get one with a nice paintjob, you won't be disappointed.

2) Han - he's Han, and he has the perfect attitude in this sculpt. Straight-ahead the likeness is great, the profile could have been improved some.

3) Leia - no complaints, and a must-have if you have Han.

4) Vader - :vader , nuff said.

5) Obi-Wan - A FLAWLESS sculpt (or darn near it), and the exclusive was worth it to me in this case, LOVE the training remote.

I passed on Luke/Yoda: I wasn't crazy about Luke's likeness and I have the 1:1 bust coming.
WHen The Emperor comes out, I'm definitely in. How about switchable magnetic right hand with cane or lightsaber and magnetic left with and without ligtheing?
I have Vader, Ben, and Grievous. Then I ordered Maul. There are still a few SW PF I will get but I'm more of a 1:6 SW Collector and both on LOTR.

These are truly fantastic pieces worth their money IMO.
I only have Leia. Looking forward to seeing the Droids and X-Wing Pilot Luke. A Luke PF is a must, just waiting to see whether X-Wing tops Dagobah.

Also looking forward to the eventual ROTS Anakin, Obi-Wan, and any Amidala.
I really only want Grievous, but he's really expensive and I haven't gotten enough money before so I don't think it's going to happen (unless I somehow win it from Sideshow) so I just stick to the 1/6th line and get the ones I want and can afford.
i have Vader and Obi Wan for the VS. setup. i also have Han just because i love the pose. other than that grievous isthe only other one thats out that i would buy. i like Maul, but im considering canceling and buying at a lower price from a dealer. Luke is an important character for the collection, but im waiting for the Jedi version with the light up saber so he matches the other ones that i have.

~~IMO obi wan is still the best looking Human PF character out of any line.
I have Luke, Han, Leia, Obi and Vader and Grievous. Boba and Maul are on order. I intend to get Sith Eyes Anakin, Count Dooku, and Jango. I might get Palpatine and/or Amidala. I wish I could get them all but I just don't have the room.
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Seretur said:
I'd like a Vader in that pose too. Yes, I think that's his ultimate standing attitude, especially in a PF.

Other than that one, though, I must say I have high hopes for GG's upcoming kneeling Vader... but that's off-topic here.

I know It's off topic but I must say the kneeling Vader will be a great statue to add to my collection, It's the Gentle Giant product I'm mostly looking for... I do hope we get to see some pics soon.

About a possibly New Darth Vader PF, I do hope too in a non-lightsaber version... I do wish in a standing pose with his hands on his belt.

Anyway to stay faithful to the thread I'm a completist in the PF line so It's useless to say I'll take 'em all!:chew (even If I actually am not faithful to the question asked either, but I'm Italian and don't understand english well so forgive me, please.......kidding :rotfl :D)
I am very discriminating when it comes to the Star Wars PFs. I only buy the exclusives, and I strictly limit myself by collecting only the ones they release.
tomandshell said:
I am very discriminating when it comes to the Star Wars PFs. I only buy the exclusives, and I strictly limit myself by collecting only the ones they release.

Now That's Cool!!!:cool: :lol
I have my first 2 coming this week from Bob aka the Godfather.

Han Solo exclusive


SDCC Luke exclusive

I am going to try to catch up and get them all, and solely collect SW and LotR P.F.'s from here on out.

We'll see how it goes.
