I'm enlarging my USCM ranks but have never painted camo oriented stuff before. Any help would be vastly appreciated.
I had alot of trouble with this and ended up packing it in and simply buying hicks, I would really recommend enamels like mudshark said it just matches the paint more than acrylics do. Good luck man !
I already bought an extra Apone to make my own Hicks. The Hicks sold out too quickly and I am NOT paying what those scalping bastardos want nowadays. My painting question stems from my wanting to make my own version of Chris" armor. I'm trying my luck at my own version of his head, seperate from what Les is doing with the first sculpt I sent off to him. And, I have a few other characters that I really want to have join in the fray. I'm noty much on patience which I think is a true requirement of a painter but there's no way to get enough armor without trying it at this point.
Grabbing a spare Apone was an excellent move! I did the same thing so I can kitbash Frost. Apone's armour is the cleanest in terms of graffiti, plus he also has the hasp on his chest plate, so converting his armour into a set for Hicks would be fairly easy... at lot easier than using Hudson's armour set.
If you're going to make Chris's gear though, then you'll have a bit of work on your hands. I'm basically doing the same thing for the memorial figure, except I'm starting with an unpainted resin kit, which may be a little less daunting than having to repaint a Hot Toys set.
Depending on the reference pics you have, it may be hard to get it perfectly accurate. I've noticed some small differences in the camo patterns in some of the photos of Chris I've gathered, but I doubt it would be very noticeable in such a small scale.
If you're not in a hurry, I'd be happy to PM some pics of Chris's armour when I'm finished painting it. In the meantime, here's the list of Humbrol enamels Chris recommended for matching the USCM camo pattern:
(Matte Finish)
No. 30 - Dark Green
No. 33 - Black
No. 63 - Sand
No. 98 - Chocolate
No. 147 - Light Grey
No. 160 - German Camo Red Brown
* No. 170 - Brown Bess (discontinued) ** for Pulse Rifle and Motion Tracker
Hope this helps.![]()
Thanks!! Any pix would be great. I am actually looking at using one of the EVA kits for Chris' stuff. I just have never painted before and know that fixing a screwup on something like this would fry my remaining gray cells.
I've always used acrylics. They're more forgiving and easier on your lungs. You can match up any color just as easy as with enamels. After the paint, use pastel chalks to blend in subtle color variations and seal with dullcote.
If you have an EVA kit, so much the better. I'll snap some pics along the way while I'm building the EVA set for Chris and try to put together a walk-through tutorial for you, including assembly and painting... would that ease your mind a little?![]()
I've always used acrylics. They're more forgiving and easier on your lungs. You can match up any color just as easy as with enamels. After the paint, use pastel chalks to blend in subtle color variations and seal with dullcote.
I agree completely, for most situations. The thing with the Humbrols is that they already match the USCM camo colors and can be used right out of the tin, requiring no mixing.