Any trick to ordering from Gentle Giant?

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Super Freak
Jan 21, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati Ohio
never ordered directly from GG but got an email saying they had some of the shocktroopers from SDCC back up for sale but when i try to complete the checkout process it tells me that my address doesn't match the info my credit card company has on file. tried using 2 diff cards and tweaking the address info (even tho it's how i always type it out). any info would be appreciated.
Anyone else get this email? I never got anything, Can someone PM me the link?
I got this email and I've been trying to process my order. As is typical of GG, it's declining and their website must be circling the proverbial drain again. Just when I think redemption is in sight, they prove me wrong...
try putting 2008 or whatever on the expiration date instead of 08
TOE said:
try the putting the 0 on the expiration date.

nah. the exp date part is kinda automated in that u can only choose the name of the month (jan, feb, ect) of a popup list and the year off a list too. so there's no way to put in a 0
The problem is with the GG site. All of our CC are fine. They are currently working it fix the problem. Just keep trying.