AOTC- The sixth (?) best SW Movie shown some love

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OK I'm enjoying the early Christmas present from the missus of a surround sound system and in doing so I'm revisiting ALL of the SW movies. As I earlier started a POSITIVE thread concerning TPM (negatives need not apply) I thought that as I just finished watching (for the-- well, who could keep count) EP II: Attack Of The Clones I thought I'd try a similar thread. Again, the rules are simple I thought that there's been a great deal of negativity recently and maybe it was time to shake things up with a solely positive thread. Call it an experiment but leave your negativity out (there are plenty of other threads for that)-- let's try and identify those positive attributes of AOTC and how we'd (eventually) like SS to document the film itself in all their lines. I'll go first:

1) The visual representations of the varied worlds is really eye-catching-- and a hell of a lot of fun to watch. a) Coruscant with its retro (1920's?) feel and our first real look into its possible seedier side-- also a more in-depth view of both the Jedi Temple and the Senate. b) Kamino as we've never really seen a world shown in SW before--- we've had the desert planet, the ice planet, the forest world, now a purely aquatic and tempestuous environment (a Romantic allusion to the vastness of the ocean a la Rime of the Ancient Mariner and a connection to the vastness of the clone army--or is that a reach?) c) Tatooine a fan favorite and a nice view of it through Anakin's pained eyes d) Geonosis-- where the bodies truly do hit the floor.

2) The middle section of the film really has two components that can be enjoyed--- Obi's attempt at sleuthing and the budding romance-- and if you find fault at that then you really must not like having to watch Natalie Portman in various stages of ravishing to radient and I feel sorry for you.:monkey2

3) The chase on Coruscant to catch the bounty hunter Zam is intense and a great deal of fun reminiscent of the pod race from TPM, but this time we're into the teenage years with our car chase.

4) Jango Fett.

5) Chritsopher Lee in all of his gothic hammer horror greatness... Every word out of his mouth a half truth and the lies continue to spin--or do they? The confusion of the story is supposed to be muddy as this is the bridge story--- the plot is still unfolding.

6) Lightsabers galore with our first blissful taste of the beginning of the Clone Wars of which most of us first heard from that old hermit back in '77.

I really enjoyed watching the movie one more time, this time with the full sound blast while in the comfort of home-- so what would I like to see SS offer us from this middle film? Thankfully items have already started with the Dooku/Yoda diorama (of which I'm one of the proud faux 100:joy) but we can always hope for more.


We need a Jango... A Christopher Lee Dooku... A super battle droid... and most importantly of all a Padme--- preferably in torn white Geonosis suit.


Jango on the horizon from Medi but here's hoping that when the armoured figs start coming from SS we'll see him as well. Obviously the clone troopers are a must but besides the obvious there are the other usual suspects:

-Dooku (despite the great HS from Hasbro I'd like a SS version in the Sith line)
-Obi with mullet a blazing
-Anakin with pained angst (and rattail)
-Padme-- similarly to the request of the PF above
-a Yoda that can be both posed in quiet mediation or in full-force action


-Anakin slicing through Tusken raiders
-Obi versus Jango on Kamino
-any possible moment from the Geonosis Jedi battle... imagine a miniature with multiple Jedis swarmed by droids (very mini of course)

There I've thrown down the gauntlet.
Talk about Neeson's voice yelling out "Anakin--NO!" as the fall begins and we cut to Yoda listening intently--- the focus on the faces of Anakin and Dooku during their confrontation-- Natalie Portman's abs.:monkey5

Positive people...:peace Let the :love flow.
AOTC is probably my least fave of the SW movies. So yeah I think I'd go with it being #6
AOTC is probably my least fave of the SW movies. So yeah I think I'd go with it being #6

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh--- Josh, you're not getting the spirit of the thread. It's tooooooooooooo easy to dismise... find the love brotha.:lol
2) The middle section of the film really has two components that can be enjoyed--- Obi's attempt at sleuthing and the budding romance-- and if you find fault at that then you really must not like having to watch Natalie Portman in various stages of ravishing to radient and I feel sorry for you.

The " romance" was by far the worst part of the entire saga, partly beacuse George either made Anakin too young in TPM, or Padme to old. I just can't buy her falling in love with Anakin over a couple of days on Naboo, especailly given that in TPM, it seemed more like a brother/sister relationship more than anything. That dog just don't hunt, and the dialogue and acting, especailly Hayden's, in that sequence are atrocious IMHO. There are parts of ATOC I like, I LOVE the dogfight between Jango and Obi, especailly when Jango starts dropping those sonic mines, those things sounded so cool in the theatre.
Love the Yoda/Dooku light sabre duel, and Christopher Lee is great in the film.
Some of the shots of the clones, which are homage's to german propagada films from WWII are fantastic but on the whole, this is not one of my favorites.
AOTC is very special to me. I really enjoyed the speeder chase and the huge battle at the end, in fact all of the action was amazing. But really, the speeder chase is what got me to start doing 3D animation so it's had an impact.

I REALLY want an Anakin's Hotrod Speeder Studio Scale model---that would make me absurdly happy.
Why?... Search your feelings--- you know it to be true.:D

I like the growth in Obi-Wan that you see from two and when how that leads into Ep3. I like the Battle of Geonosis and all the action in that. Jango Fett kicks butt which is great. One of the things that I really like is how just so whiny Anakin is. This 2 me really shows just how he's going down the path to the darkside and knows it, but at the same time cannot find a way to stop what he will become.
The " romance" was by far the worst part of the entire saga, partly beacuse George either made Anakin too young in TPM, or Padme to old. I just can't buy her falling in love with Anakin over a couple of days on Naboo, especailly given that in TPM, it seemed more like a brother/sister relationship more than anything. That dog just don't hunt, and the dialogue and acting, especailly Hayden's, in that sequence are atrocious IMHO. There are parts of ATOC I like, I LOVE the dogfight between Jango and Obi, especailly when Jango starts dropping those sonic mines, those things sounded so cool in the theatre.
Love the Yoda/Dooku light sabre duel, and Christopher Lee is great in the film.
Some of the shots of the clones, which are homage's to german propagada films from WWII are fantastic but on the whole, this is not one of my favorites.

:nono Don't go down the negative path-- too easy.
This thread (like my earlier TPM one) is meant to explore the positives... the negatives have been done to death.

In terms of the brother/sister relationship I think you're right to point that out-- but remember that some of the greatest literature (specifically out of the Romantic Period) contains a love that begins from that same bond... Heathcliff and Catherine in Wuthering Heights and Victor and Elizabeth in Frankenstein... I specifically mention the second as Lucas obviously was inspired by the retelling of the essential Prometheus myth which tells of Victor losing his mother and becoming obsessed with keeping his loved ones (specifically Elizabeth) and thwarting death. Sound familiar? :D

AOTC does a great job moving the story towards its ultimate Ep III climatic and Frankenteinesque conclusion of Vader's rising.
I watched it in hiDef this week on satelite TV (just upgraded to a 46" Samsung) with a killer surround system (Denon Receiver, klipsch speakers) and I have to say Obi Wan VS Jango and the final Dooku fight rock. In fact, most everything once we hit Geonosis is pretty awesome, at least visually and audio-wise.

The opening is pretty awesome as well. Watching the silver ship from Naboo landing on Coruscant with the engines that sound like an old B-52 Bomber just resonates with me. Call it the weakest film of the six if you like, but it definately has it's moments.
I think AOTC gets a bad rap because of the stilted romantic scenes, which admittedly are excruciating, but everything else is all good. You got Obi playing detective, Jango Fett, Count Dracula, Anakin decapatating Sandpeople, the arena battle, clones, Yoda's first fight scene. I'll put up with Anakin riding a giant tick for all that.
I REALLY want an Anakin's Hotrod Speeder Studio Scale model---that would make me absurdly happy.

I wouldn't mind an Anakin AOTC PF on the Speeder Bike similar to the Biker Scout....

If the determined look was done right it'd be outstanding:


I'd love the Obi and Ani vs. Dooku Diorama, A Clone Trooper Loading Diorama with a section of that scene but dozens of Clones at attention and ready to go. I wouldn't mind a Jedi Temple room Dio as well....

Anything Jango Fett I'd be down for...
I'm trying to think of something that I really like about AOTC but I can't. All I can think of is that ***** Jocasta Nu. I'm glad to know that she either died of old age or sliced by Anakin.

I also think of how annoying C-3PO was during the arena battle.

I think of how pointless Zam Wesell and the coruscant chase was. (Tyr**** hires Jango. Jango hires Zam. Zam fails. Jango gives poisonous centipedes to Zam. Zam gives poisonous centipedes to droid. Droid delivers the goods. Droid leads heroes to Zam. fast forward to Jango shoots Zam dead.)

I think of how bad Hayden was.

I think of Natalie Portman telling us about her last boyfriend or something. That was awkward. Was this when she first lost her V? Or was she talking about something else????

I think of CG clones and how bad they looked. CG Jango was bad too.

I think of Dexter and that he's probably a pervert.

I think of the waitress droid and how she doesn't belong.

I think of Captain Typho and how he looks just like the clones. And when he says "...I'll feel better..." I always think he says "Alpha Beta." Like the supermarket.

I think of the Arena battle and how clumsy the Jedi all fought (not on purpose).

I think of that one video I saw on Youtube where it's a bunch of Ep2 scenes with farting sound effects and it made me laugh and laugh.

I think of the title Attack of the Clones and how it really doesn't make any sense. Did the clones attack? Or did they come in and defend?

i think of San Hill and how i want to punch his face.

I think of Wat Tambor and how he gave himself a ***** twister to speak right.

I think of the line I quote the most from the film "Good call, my young padawan!" I have to say it all cocky too.

I think of Anakin surfing on a shaak while on Naboo. Kill me.

Did I already mention 3PO and how annoying he was?

I think of Anakin having a bad dream and when he wakes up I wish he said "FOOTBALL PRACTICE!"

Ok I think that's it. And it was boring. I DO like the hyperspace ring on the jedi starfighters. I do like the clone ships and seeing the walkers. Hailfire droid was also a favorite. But those are just visual elements. Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor were what saved some of it. Oh and Palpatine too.

sigh. sorry to be a bummer but AOTC is just buried with so much that is bad. At least to me.

But hey, how about that Natalie Portman by the fireplace? Rawr.

Poggle the Lesser talks like farts.

Ok i'm done! for realz.