Are all lights dangerous to collectibles?

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Super Freak
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
I know direct sun can damage paints and fabric, but can something like a table lamp with a Reveal bulb also be damaging? I'm trying to figure out where to put some of my things, but a few places have somewhat direct lightbulb light.
Over long periods of time. LED lighting is what you want (not just for collectibles, they're just better bulbs all around and worth the cost).
I know direct sun can damage paints and fabric, but can something like a table lamp with a Reveal bulb also be damaging? I'm trying to figure out where to put some of my things, but a few places have somewhat direct lightbulb light.

Yes. Keep all of your collectibles in absolute darkness.
Keep all your collectibles in complete my house here in Ireland just to be safe. What do you have?

In seriousness, I don't really worry about this too much. I keep them out of direct sunlight and thats about it.
yes agree.................keep in the dark & only view with night vision goggles...........:lecture
You forgot to mention the detrimental effect of oxygen; your collection must be kept in a hermetically-sealed,as well as light-less, case for maximum protection. Ideally, you should never look at or touch 'em...PS
So, I've just given you a reasonable sounding excuse for your OCD tendencies...I may never forgive myself...PS