mfoga said:That cant be one persons. I bet its some collectors group that got together for that.
So true. I could see this being one persons collection. It isn't too crazy.IrishJedi said:I have no problem believing those could all be ONE person's figures.
I mean, we all know that most modern collectors walk the line between sanity and full-blown OCD anyway (with more and more falling into the abyss of the latter).
mfoga said:That cant be one persons. I bet its some collectors group that got together for that.
Darth Cruel said:I fully intend to have 50 Stormtroopers...but I am waiting for Sideshow to do them. If they don't, I will pick up the Medicom, but I prefer to pay Sideshow's 70.00 to Medicom's 150.00.
OK...I am full of it.
If not surpass it.PosterBoyKelly said:You CAN find Medi ones for $100. I'm sure SS's will meet that.
ian1138 said:This guy posted his stuff in rebelscum, there all his except the one with alot of stormtrooper with vader walking down the middle, i think that is a from a shop display.
minivader said:according to the blog, its one malasian guy. (except for that foto of vader walking down the aisle of stormtroopers. all other pix are his) He bought tons of them before and after the stormtrooper price drop like crazy a year or 2 ago.
edit, could be wrong about the malasian guy part.
Yeah at one point they were selling/clearing Stormies on Yahoo Japan for 7000 Yen which is about $60.