Army of Two: The 40th day

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Jack's Smirking Revenge
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
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I know this is severe Necro-ing this thread, but I just rented the first one again and realized how fun it really is. Can't wait for this one to come out...I'll actually buy it.
It's funny how they're like "This is entirely in-game" Yet there's nothing special about it, it looks pretty average.

They are not implying it is anything special. Just making a simple stamement as to what the content is.

I love Army of Two, this should be great.

Tried the demo out earlier today, had to use an extra controller to be able to play it. Pretty good, kinda annoyed at the the cover system though. Might end up picking it up when it comes out, really liked the first one.
I just got done playing the original AOT. Not bad. I had played it a little before but wasn't super impressed but after giving it another chance and playing it all the way through, I must say it was actually quite fun and I'm looking foward to The 40th Day.
Just picked it up at Blockbuster and about to jump in it. Here's IGN's review of the 360:
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picked this game up during my lunch break. the first game was awesome and this one is supposed to be better so really looking forward to it!
IMO they fixed most of the problems from the first game. They added some really cool features to this game that make it fun... mock surrender, hostage saving, meat shield are great!!!