Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Disney laughs at paying 100 million- like a meal at McDonalds for you and I:lol

Yet if u paint the lion king at your local owner owned burger restaurant then disney closes u down.....
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Burger King promoted the lion king movie. Damn those onion rings were good
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

So saw on FB. I guess this is Cap's new look



>Punished Rogers
>A Fallen Legend
>A man denied his homeland
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Well this is just fanart but yeah, it's more or less his new look.

Thought this was interesting...and the Russos do know the comics even if the movies don't strictly follow the stories...also another fan pointed out that this looks like a TWS concept that wasn't used for Cap.


Steve Rogers seems to have made some serious alterations to his Captain America costume. It appears to have been made darker, now fully black rather than a navy blue, but it is still clearly Captain America’s costume because the stitch-marks where the bright white star used to be can still be seen, though the star itself has apparently been removed.

Those who have noticed this change have gone about referring to Steve Rogers now as Nomad, referring to an era in Steve Rogers’ Marvel Comics history where, after discovering that the president of the United States was a member of the Secret Empire, Rogers became disillusioned with his nation and left the persona of Captain America behind to become he Nomad, the man without a country.

However, we think there’s a more apt persona from a different period in Captain America’s history that has more in common with what appears to be going on with Steve Rogers in Avengers: Infinity War. It is The Captain from the Mark Gruenwald “Cap No More” storyline from the late 1980s...Steve Rogers' The Captain costume bears a striking similarity to the one Steve Rogers is wearing in the Avengers: Infinity War footage. The most obvious similarity is the color.

Both Roger's The Captain costume and the one from Avengers: Infinity War are black (or at least the live-action appears black on the Comic-Con poster).
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

USA Agent?

Can't keep track of all the comic lines. Glad the Russos can, apparently. Or they have staff who are comic fans too. I just thought at first that Cap had kept the uniform but it was just dirty/dyed. Maybe that is all IW does.

Which I thought was kinda sad anyway w. Cap letting go of Captain America in CW, but can't really let go because he always wanted to do what was right and it's part of him. So he keeps the uniform even being a fugitive. And iImagine T'Challa, Falcon, Hawkeye etc. would go on calling Steve Rogers "Cap".

Just think it's excellent look. LOL was wondering IF Nomad appeared what they were going to do about Nomad's blue and yellow outfit. IMO this is better at least for IW.


Marvel Comics To Publish Cinematic Universe ‘Black Panther’ Origin And ‘Infinity War’ Preludes

Marvel Comics is set to publish two in-continuity comics for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the form of prequel comic books for Black Panther and Avengers: The Infinity War.

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Because I'm tired of seein' same costume for three movies nonstop.
Now they're addin' the forth... Ugh.

It looked great in TWS, yes.
But addin' red and white to it was the worst possible decision.
Now they're pretty much just goin' back to where it all started.

So far Rogers had only two cool "Captain America" costumes, both in TFA.
I was hopin' for something new with IW... No such luck.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Because I'm tired of seein' same costume for three movies nonstop.
Now they're addin' the forth... Ugh.

It looked great in TWS, yes.
But addin' red and white to it was the worst possible decision.
Now they're pretty much just goin' back to where it all started.

So far Rogers had only two cool "Captain America" costumes, both in TFA.
I was hopin' for something new with IW... No such luck.

Thanx for explaining. Think tho (not disagreeing, just sayin') maybe it's the thought when making films with characters that filmmakers/designers think it's important to sort of carry through a design re being the identity of the character. Like a signature. That only changes if something radical happens e.g. street clothes Tony, Cap, Bucky. I'm gonna guess by IW 2 we see Cap in red, white and blue again.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

He should have died in Civil War.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I'm really looking forward to this, if not for the novelty alone, I wasn't blown away by Homecoming but it did drive home the fact that it's a comicbook universe.

I think most of the MCU movies are pretty mediocre but each did put a brick to build this universe, so while I was watching the movie I thought "mhm, Thor could actually drop by at any moment, or daredevil, or whomever", the fact that it was about workers who used to clean and now traffic Chitauri leftovers only reinforced that notion for me.

But, I can't help to have the lingering feeling that, like every other MCU, it could end up like Cap in the Homecoming after credits after being actually hyped about it before walking into the theater.

Hopefully this one will break the cycle.