Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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aquaman and cthulhu will bring doomsday down....just like this.


I know you're kidding, but if that happens in BVS, I won't be mad :lol At least it would make more sense than JW. If WB is going full retard, they might as well go all the way with it.
what else is aquaman gonna bring on the table?

aquaman: hey you guys, push him by the sea so i can uhhmm do something about him.

What I really want is for Randy Quaid to show up, right as the heroes are about to be defeated, and with no build up or explanation shout, "Hello boys, I'm baaaack!" And then he gives his life to save the day as his grown children can only say, "Not again...not again."
Joss Whedon is gonna come flying out of the water to defeat Doomsday? That just might be crazy enough to work!

I don't know...he'll be cracking jokes, fallowed by a 5 second cameo of Darkseid saying, "It's my turn"...or something like that. :lol

Huh? He can basically do what Wonder Woman can except flying.

I don't think WW can fly in this film.
I just watched the trailer again. Still looks like a fun and cool movie.

Some new thoughts:

1. I don't think that Lex "broke up" the exchange between Clark and Bruce at the party. I know the guys in that recent reaction video were all acting like he just showed up and ruined this awesome showdown but I really think that that exchange was done (with Bruce the clear victor) before Lex said a word. To me it looked like Clark had no counter to Bruce's "freaks dressed like clowns" comment and was just going to stand there speechless.

2. Gal Gadot looks freaking awesome as Wonder Woman. Even if the movie sucks I think she should be vindicated of all the skinny jokes. Maybe she's still really skinny but Michael Keaton was still really short and was a total badass in the role. At worst she appears that she'll be the Keaton of WW's which is not a bad thing.

3. I kind of thought that Batman's whole beef with Superman would be that his arrival was the instigator of this big celestial buttefly effect of destruction but then we'd see another UNRELATED threat appear that would show Batman how valuable Supes could be. Well if it really turns out that Doomsday is just Zod resurrected then that just proves Batman's point all over again! I *really* hope that that is just a trick of the trailer and that Lex and Doomsday are totally independent of Zod so that Supes can step up and help put them down.
Well if it really turns out that Doomsday is just Zod resurrected then that just proves Batman's point all over again! I *really* hope that that is just a trick of the trailer and that Lex and Doomsday are totally independent of Zod and Supes can step up and help put them down.
Doubt it, if you watch the trailer again, I recently noticed this, when he says "The devil will do it"... doesn't it look kinda similar to the Kriptonian ship? And there's a flying thing that looks like kelex.... AND, that huge bag Doomsday is being cooked in, doesn't it look like one of the tiny bags that were in the ship's genesis chamber?

So, I'm gonna say they didn't turn Zod into DD, but they did use his DNA or whatever to create it, which shouldn't be considered Supes' fault, that's all Lex Luthor.
I just watched the trailer again. Still looks like a fun and cool movie.

Some new thoughts:

1. I don't think that Lex "broke up" the exchange between Clark and Bruce at the party. I know the guys in that recent reaction video were all acting like he just showed up and ruined this awesome showdown but I really think that that exchange was done (with Bruce the clear victor) before Lex said a word. To me it looked like Clark had no counter to Bruce's "freaks dressed like clowns" comment and was just going to stand there speechless.

You're right about that, and you can see the full sequence in this footage.

3. I kind of thought that Batman's whole beef with Superman would be that his arrival was the instigator of this big celestial buttefly effect of destruction but then we'd see another UNRELATED threat appear that would show Batman how valuable Supes could be. Well if it really turns out that Doomsday is just Zod resurrected then that just proves Batman's point all over again! I *really* hope that that is just a trick of the trailer and that Lex and Doomsday are totally independent of Zod so that Supes can step up and help put them down.

What do you mean by proving Batman's point? It looks like Doomsday is created by Zod's DNA using the Kryptonian technology from one of the ships. It looks like Lex is growing Doomsday with the help of Zod's DNA, so I don't think DD is a mutated version of Zod.

edit* Never mind...Gaspar said already :lol
Huh? He can basically do what Wonder Woman can except flying.

if that was the case an oblivious movie goer will start asking...why is he called aquaman and not wonderman.lolz
with no proper water/sea sequence, that's as close as i can imagine him to the sea with backup.lolz
If Lex uses any of Zod's stuff to create DD then Batman's argument that Superman "brought the war to us" just gets proven all over again. No arrival of Superman, no Zod. No Zod, no Doomsday. I think Lex should have cooked something up completely separate from anything having to do with any Kryptonian's arrival. Then people could say "Thank God you stopped him Superman," rather than "Thanks for cleaning up MORE of the ****ing mess you created."

What's next, someone will create Darkseid from Doomsday's remains?
You can't blame Sups for what Lex is going.'ve been tricked by Lex!!

It's not that it's Superman's "fault" as in tragedies willfully set into motion by him but it does just continue to put a mantle of "I just wish he never ****ing came here" on his shoulders. People should be GLAD that Superman is on Earth. Not constantly reminded of all the hideous things that followed him and were born out of the things that specifically followed him.

They're making Superman out to be like the monkey in the cage at the beginning of 28 Days Later. No one faults the monkey for anything done to it but **** the whole world would have been SO much better without it. And I'm sorry but if I were Batman I'd kill that ****ing monkey, innocent or not. :lol
It's not that it's Superman's "fault" as in tragedies willfully set into motion by him but it does just continue to put a mantle of "I just wish he never ****ing came here" on his shoulders. People should be GLAD that Superman is on Earth. Not constantly reminded of all the hideous things that followed him and were born out of the things that specifically followed him.

Well, whatever happens in the future, whether it's Darkseid or Brainiac or Metallo, it's all going to be somehow related to Superman. Even if Lex doesn't use Zod, and he were to create Metallo, it would still be because he hates Superman and wants to kill what difference does it make how he does it? People will still get hurt or die because Superman exists. Even in some of the old Reeve films, every major threat was because of Superman or related to him.
People will still get hurt or die because Superman exists.

Sure, "escalation" and all that. But I think for such an iconic hero the world should be better off for having had him arrive rather than the opposite.

And I'm sorry but I do think that Supes is back to being the same old smug **** that we was at the end of MOS. When Bruce says, "editorial puff piece about an alien who can burn it all," Clark shouldn't have said, "Well most people don't agree with you," he should have gone quiet and lowered his head. Like it or not Bruce Wayne WOULD be the voice of many, many people and Supes has no right to go around invalidating the opinions of those mourning the loss of loved ones.