Once he and Clark become best buddies, Sups will still have the same power to destroy the earth....nothing will change, only Bruce's perception of Clark/Superman.
Correct, hence the "puff piece," comment. Bruce seems to be saying that he's put off by the Daily Planet's seeming unability to ask the tough questions about Superman's presence. Questions that Bruce WILL ask, and if he doesn't get satisfactory answers, will prompt him to destroy the unpredictable threat. By the end of the film (or halfway through, whatever) Bruce obviously will get the satisfaction he needs (thought doesn't Batman always have Kryptonite on hand just as a precaution in the comics?) and will allow Superman to stay on Earth without further issue from him.
I'm assuming Bruce's problem at the beginning is that no one is considering what checks and balances they should be considering regarding Superman's power and are going right to "puff pieces." Clark has no business taking issue with those who want to know how trustworthy he really is. As of MOS he has given no one any reason to assume that his presence is ultimately a good thing.
I'm not prehating the movie. I want it to be good and I want to like it. Just sharing a vibe I'm getting regarding Supes from the trailer. Obviously trailers can be misleading. We'll see.
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