Before Watchmen by DC Direct

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Super Freak
Jul 10, 2009
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The Batcave
Looks like we'll be seeing a line of statues for the new series.


Actually, a lot of it sold just fine (better than most DC Direct stuff). It was just hideously over-produced and had no business being stocked at places like Toys R Us and Borders.

That said, screw DC. This has now gone beyond shameless.
Actually, a lot of it sold just fine (better than most DC Direct stuff). It was just hideously over-produced and had no business being stocked at places like Toys R Us and Borders.

That said, screw DC. This has now gone beyond shameless.

:exactly: on both points.
Too late for me, I gave up on Dc direct a long time ago, I had such an extensive collection of Dc direct figures even a bunch of customs but they just took too long with some of their stuff and kept pushing it back doing the same characters, it wasn't til I sold my entire collection they decided to gear more towards their fans, but it was too late I had made my 1/6 transition. Who's writing this Morrison? That was another reason I sold my stuff to many reboot's. Identity Crisis and 52 were the last thing I read that I really enjoyed from them. Glad for watchmen fans but this is an easy pass.
If Moore can write stories about characters created by Bram Stoker, Jules Verne, Lewis Carroll, and others, then why can't well respected comic writers take a crack at Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan?

Seriously, I would like clarification, as this baffles me a bit.
My biggest problem, is there was already back stories. Are they going to rehash the same ____? From those statues, sure looks like it.
If Moore can write stories about characters created by Bram Stoker, Jules Verne, Lewis Carroll, and others, then why can't well respected comic writers take a crack at Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan?

Seriously, I would like clarification, as this baffles me a bit.

Simple. There is a BIG difference between a writer taking characters from public domain by long-dead authors and putting them into an all-new work that is completely separate from the originals, and what is happening with WATCHMEN... which is a corporation taking characters created by an author who is not only still alive, but opposed, and making new stories that are supposed to be part of the official canon of those characters.

Not even close to the same thing.

First of all, Moore is an individual creator, not a mega-corporation. Secondly, he's never written what is supposed to be an official prequel or sequel to Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example.

And DC is only able to do this legally thanks to a loophole in the original contract that they've been exploiting for 25 years now.

Oh, and if someone is going to pull "But they're based on the Charlton characters" card then it will be time to point out how completely different the WATCHMEN characters are from those archetypes. Well, save for how the Charlton ones have been retrofitted in their latest incarnations. Ironically, it's the modern Captain Atom and Question that are a riff on Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach, respectively.

DC has no moral or ethical high-ground here whatsoever. NONE.
I could also see if the characters were devoid of back stories, that would make sense to have "Before Watchmen" prequel stories.

But we've already gotten that, and more. We know Rorschach was the son of a prostitute and that there used to be a "friendly" Rorschach. We know about the legacy of Nite Owl, both of them and their backgrounds. Dr. Manhattan, like most of the characters has a full story arc etc. etc. There's a structure there that is perfect, free of plot holes or even questions.

Honestly, when it was announced I expected a sequel to the events that would happen afterwards, not before.
I could also see if the characters were devoid of back stories, that would make sense to have "Before Watchmen" prequel stories.

But we've already gotten that, and more. We know Rorschach was the son of a prostitute and that there used to be a "friendly" Rorschach. We know about the legacy of Nite Owl, both of them and their backgrounds. Dr. Manhattan, like most of the characters has a full story arc etc. etc.

That's why out of all of the 7 miniseries announced the only one that makes even a small amount of sense is MINUTEMEN.

It's still a disgusting cash-grab, though. And one that not only pisses on the legacy of the original work but is also a prime example that DC and Marvel are continuing their decades-old tradition of screwing over individual creators.
The whole prequel business only really bugs me because I feel Watchmen is special and deserves to be left alone as a part of the universe that Moore created. But it is derivative in terms of the characters I guess. That's kind of Moore's ___ick. Only he takes characters we're aware of at some level and creates masterful stories that are unlike anything else out there. With Watchmen, he created a modern masterpiece of comics. I think what he did with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is different because it is whimsical and is not intended (on my reading) to really be read as canonical part of those original stories. He still allows those original stories to stand alone, and to be unmolested by his work. With the prequels here, DC is saying that no, Watchmen no longer stands alone in canon. Now, it is part of this larger story. And no matter how well written those stories are, I just don't think it feels right that it is being done. I think Watchmen was special, like Casablanca was special, and should have been allowed to stand alone within its medium while others of its ilk were not. But whateva.
:lol I just tweeted the same thing Ven and came here to do it. Great minds.
Maybe I'm out of line here, but who cares? Before Watchmen or no Before Watchmen, Watchmen will still be the same great book. Don't like it, don't read it. Of course DC was going to try to cash in on one of their best-selling books in their 75 years or so of doing this; DC has been on the warpath to becoming more corporate, and they want to make money; from the new logo to the New 52 to Before Watchmen and DC Entertainment, that's all it's been about.

It's history: Corporate wants money, decides to do whatever it takes to make it, little guy decides to stand up. It's basic knowledge really, if you stand in the way of progress, for better or worse, you'll get run over. DC doesn't care about the critics, they care about the 20-something college kids who pick up Watchmen in the book store so that they can be self-proclaimed "comic-geeks" and eat up whatever other Watchmen stuff is on the market, just like the rest of the fads.
Simple. There is a BIG difference between a writer taking characters from public domain by long-dead authors and putting them into an all-new work that is completely separate from the originals, and what is happening with WATCHMEN... which is a corporation taking characters created by an author who is not only still alive, but opposed, and making new stories that are supposed to be part of the official canon of those characters.

Not even close to the same thing.

First of all, Moore is an individual creator, not a mega-corporation. Secondly, he's never written what is supposed to be an official prequel or sequel to Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example.

And DC is only able to do this legally thanks to a loophole in the original contract that they've been exploiting for 25 years now.

Oh, and if someone is going to pull "But they're based on the Charlton characters" card then it will be time to point out how completely different the WATCHMEN characters are from those archetypes. Well, save for how the Charlton ones have been retrofitted in their latest incarnations. Ironically, it's the modern Captain Atom and Question that are a riff on Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach, respectively.

DC has no moral or ethical high-ground here whatsoever. NONE.

or a simpler answer....
its pretty much the same thing.

Saying, 'but Moore is an indiviudal where as DC is a corporation!!!' is just silly.

And its hardly a legal loop hole that gives DC direct ownership. Their contract stated that as long as the book stayed in print they would hold ownership....not like they've been keeping it in print at a loss just to maintain ownership. It has consistently been in print and on the graphic novel best seller list for 20+ years.

"Hey guys, shouldn't we let it just go out of print anyway so Alan Moore can own it?"

Moore doesn't mind putting classic characters into pornography and incest relationships, so I don't think we need to worry too much about DC's moral or legal high ground regarding characters they own that were originally based on other characters they own.

So its okay because League or Lost Girls aren't deemed official by the estates of the original authors (and some of those 'Lost Girls estates' did in fact try to stop it...) but Watchmen is not okay because it is official?

I'm sure the comic world won't actually implode here....