Best PF of 2008

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Super Freak
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Big Sky Country
after seeing Wor-Gar's "best of 1/6 thread, i thought what about Premium Format. Out of the PFs shipped in '08, which was the best of the bunch?

My vote would have to be for Indiana Jones. A great sculpt, great pose, classic costume - it all adds up to near perfection. :whip
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I dont own any PF`s but after what ive seen i must say Indy too,a really nice piece.
Hmm, I'm not sure. I would say Indy due to the sheer awesomeness of the likeness. It literally wows people every time I show it to someone. But the jacket color makes me hesitate to call it the best. Anakin would also be one I would say is best, but the tunic length bothers me on him. I may have to go with Thor on this one.
I don't own a PF... but I did want the Indiana Jones as my first. Unfortunately, the economy tanked and so did my assets.

So my uneducated vote would go to Indianan Jones.
It's a close one for me between Indy and Anakin, but I'm a big Star Wars fan so I'll have to give the nod to Anakin. To me the likeness is just as good as the Indy, if not a little better, especially so once I got him repainted by DarkArtist81. I'll never get tired of saying it, Josh ROCKS!!!! :rock2
since the pictures of the anakin skywalker PF some of you guys posted here convinced me to flexpay this bad boy from sideshow (hopefully i'll get it by mid February), i'm gonna go with this one.
I'm very tempted to vote for Indy but in the end I have to go for the Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike.

I guess the best will always be one you bought. Isn't that why you bought it? I bought a Creature of the Black Lagoon PF.
Creature from the Black Lagoon. I can't seem to find any flaws in it. It's a beautiful piece.
I guess the best will always be one you bought. Isn't that why you bought it? I bought a Creature of the Black Lagoon PF.

Not in my case, I have Anakin and Indy but not Thor. I just feel that the two I own have a very small (does't hurt how much I like them) flaw that prevents me from saying it is the best.

Didn't think about the Biker Scout that one is definitely a contender.