Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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I just threw this together trying to get them as close in scale as possible. The angle is slightly off and I very slightly thickened the eyebrows here and brought them in towards the middle. Mine was taken with a macro which is going to affect it a little bit and I don't know what the original was taken with but lenses can narrow the face, etc.

Still, I think it's pretty damn good. I may try to take a shot with the same lighting and angle as the original.

I'm really sorry, and I don't wish to be disrespectful, but I'm afraid I don't believe the price hike is solely down to external factors. It looks a bit desperate to me.

Well I’m sorry but that’s down to you but that’s completely wrong we have been very transparent about the whole thing and to be honest companies that do price hikes do not have to explain or give reasons why they have increased the pricing. Brexit had a huge impact on many companies within the U.K. and EU and we choose not to raise our prices like many companies did do including distribution houses that we use, sadly we can not keep taking the hit especially now we are working so closely with more distributors. I’m not here to convince you and you can make up your own mind on what you choose to believe all I can say is the truth and give facts which so far I have done.
So, my review of Bond is up on ( This is sure not to cause any backlash or controversy :rolleyes: .

I respect a lot of the opinions here, but my experience has been a lot more positive.

Great review Comatoast. Superb pictures! Thank you for bringing back some light into this dark place ;-)
I wanted to offer my apologies I read the email again and indeed the gift was a dr who condolence. Not that I was expecting a gift but I recalled it when the other person who was confused about it mentioned it. Definitely did not mean to start any fits!
Oh no don’t worry no fits here. Not a problem at all.

I wanted to offer my apologies I read the email again and indeed the gift was a dr who condolence. Not that I was expecting a gift but I recalled it when the other person who was confused about it mentioned it. Definitely did not mean to start any fits!
Ha! Thanks and thanks for reading it. I respect peoples opinions if they're not just attacking to be a jerk (and most here aren't). There are likely bigger Bond fans than me in here and I get the issues.

I love Bond too, but I'm probably a bigger Star Wars fan. I picked up Hot Toys Han and Luke a few years back and was ok with them even though those sculpts really did not do those characters justice. But I lived with them and liked them until I decided to plunk down even more cash for a better sculpt. I didn't need to but I wanted to. So I understand wanting perfection or as close as you can get if a figure is important to you. I just think this dissecting/modding that we do is something that's done no matter how close something comes to perfect. It's a part of the hobby (the main part of the hobby for some). As much as people compare other products to Hot Toys these days, every time a new Hot Toy is announced it is mercilessly picked apart. But I know what I'm in for at this point; a $210-250 product that I'll either be fine with despite the inevitable little "nits", or I'll be ponying up to get a custom sculpt, coat, gun, accessory, etc. 'til I'm happy.

On another note, I honestly don't know how some of these companies stay in the black, I don't have full knowledge but it seems like a low margin product. Most of the smaller manufacturers are owned and run by people who seem to be fans and participants in the hobby and want to put out as good a product as possible (nobody wants to get stuck with unsold merch.) while still making money to continue to do so. I appreciate that there are other options and not just one or two companies only giving us the huge franchises.

Great review Comatoast. Superb pictures! Thank you for bringing back some light into this dark place ;-)
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That’s my fault as well. I misunderstood the email about the gifts as well. Didn’t mean to stir up anything.

On a different note, are the replacement heads still looking to be in stock next week?
Hi Ray, Don’t think for a second I’m knocking or having a go at this custom quote the opposite, but saying it’s 50 times better than the one that comes with the figure is a personal opinion and I personally would think it’s a little to unfair but that just my opinion. I wouldn’t say it’s 50 times better and if I wasn’t part of BIG Chief I certainly I would still be saying the same. They are both totally different cuts of suit for a start. But looking at the details like the lapels cuffs and pockets there really is not much in it again putting aside who I work for which I know is difficult I would still be saying the same thing.

Also what free gift are you on about? Can you share this information and I’ll look into it. Again thanks for all the comments and I certainly not having a go.

While it may be a gross exaggeration to say 50 Times, and I’ve been pretty vocally hard on the suits I should offer some more constructive critisism on how you guys can improve the next batch from my point of view, which is exactly that, my own, but seems to be shared with the majority of those who have these regarding the suit. Some to lesser and some to higher degrees.

My issue is not so much the accuracy, that gets high marks in my books. Very high. It’s more the construction. I feel bad saying because i know it was expensive to design a new body but the base body is really bad and that automatically will throw off the cut.

Aside from the giant vest snaps we already discussed what works better about that suit in the picture is it seems to be more refined in the lapel areas. It may be glued not stitched, maybe less inner folding. I have no idea but either way, grabbing a recent toys city suit I see the lapels lay flat and are less bulky overall.

Also structuring the shoulders with shoulder pads will be a game changer. The shoulders were crisp in the prototypes but even Oddjob and Goldfinger seem to lack that. I’ve futzed for hours and I can’t get them to look like the prototype.

I’m not pretending at all I know better than you all how to make these but I’m offering my perspective on what I like better about other stuff that’s on the market.

If you guys can get on top of this for the next round it will be highly improved. I would suggest creating new shoulders and thighs on the body if you want to not start from scratch. This is what’s throwing most of these off. Either that or a custom padded suit for bond or the narrow guys so you can get better proportion to the head And not have the pants sink in so much at the hips etc. again a padded short situation may also help but best results would always come with a new body.

I know I’m vocal and a tough critic and I’ll own my own negativity, but I’ve said it before months ago but I do have more confidence knowing you are a part of the company. You have always had a great eye and passion for the hobby. If you all can get those factories to match your excellent prototype paint work and get a new body and some altered materials and process I wouldn’t be too worried about price hikes at all... the product would be so good that people would pay.

If you all keep raising the bar you will be among the leaders in the market.
I understand what you are saying and of course we look at all the criticism that has been shared. I actually thought your reviews were fair and I have taken down notes about what you have raised. When I was working on the brief for the costume and went though the approval stages with EON also I spend a lot of time getting the fit just right. The body worked perfectly for the tailored costume we made. Which was made by the same factory that made the final costume and used the same pattern. I will of course still be looking at all the comments that you have made and push them forward to our factory.

So thank you for that


While it may be a gross exaggeration to say 50 Times, and I’ve been pretty vocally hard on the suits I should offer some more constructive critisism on how you guys can improve the next batch from my point of view, which is exactly that, my own, but seems to be shared with the majority of those who have these regarding the suit. Some to lesser and some to higher degrees.

My issue is not so much the accuracy, that gets high marks in my books. Very high. It’s more the construction. I feel bad saying because i know it was expensive to design a new body but the base body is really bad and that automatically will throw off the cut.

Aside from the giant vest snaps we already discussed what works better about that suit in the picture is it seems to be more refined in the lapel areas. It may be glued not stitched, maybe less inner folding. I have no idea but either way, grabbing a recent toys city suit I see the lapels lay flat and are less bulky overall.

Also structuring the shoulders with shoulder pads will be a game changer. The shoulders were crisp in the prototypes but even Oddjob and Goldfinger seem to lack that. I’ve futzed for hours and I can’t get them to look like the prototype.

I’m not pretending at all I know better than you all how to make these but I’m offering my perspective on what I like better about other stuff that’s on the market.

If you guys can get on top of this for the next round it will be highly improved. I would suggest creating new shoulders and thighs on the body if you want to not start from scratch. This is what’s throwing most of these off. Either that or a custom padded suit for bond or the narrow guys so you can get better proportion to the head And not have the pants sink in so much at the hips etc. again a padded short situation may also help but best results would always come with a new body.

I know I’m vocal and a tough critic and I’ll own my own negativity, but I’ve said it before months ago but I do have more confidence knowing you are a part of the company. You have always had a great eye and passion for the hobby. If you all can get those factories to match your excellent prototype paint work and get a new body and some altered materials and process I wouldn’t be too worried about price hikes at all... the product would be so good that people would pay.

If you all keep raising the bar you will be among the leaders in the market.
Personally I think the problems with these Bond figures pales in comparison to that of figures like Daenerys or Hermoine, and if I didn't already have a Yunsil outfit I would have been more than happy with this Connery.

Hopefully for the Dr No version they'll make improvements and get the fit of the tuxedo better, and also shrink the head down a bit. But I don't think this first run has been really that bad overall.
Well I’m sorry but that’s down to you but that’s completely wrong we have been very transparent about the whole thing and to be honest companies that do price hikes do not have to explain or give reasons why they have increased the pricing. Brexit had a huge impact on many companies within the U.K. and EU and we choose not to raise our prices like many companies did do including distribution houses that we use, sadly we can not keep taking the hit especially now we are working so closely with more distributors. I’m not here to convince you and you can make up your own mind on what you choose to believe all I can say is the truth and give facts which so far I have done.

Sure, and I appreciate your response, but I've never heard of a 1/6 scale company increasing prices in this way. I'm sure I'll be snowed under with examples now! If you were clear about a pre-order price which was going to be raised when the product shipped, then I could understand it. That would be fine, it's a good commercial strategy to reward people for paying in advance and nobody questions that. However, there was no warning about a price hike. For that reason I'm not prepared to pay one penny more than people who are getting exactly the same product and happened to order it four days ago rather than today.

As you say, I can choose what to believe and to me it comes across as odd. It makes me wonder if you're trying to make new customers pay for other people's defective products, or trying to keep the company afloat using inflated prices after a series of pre-orders which haven't done as well as you hoped (by your own admission some figures haven't sold well, which I was sorry to hear).

I appreciate the courteous way you've responded to my comments. I hope the Bond line does well and I especially look forward to seeing the LALD figures come out. I don't find Bond that exciting visually in LALD but Solitaire and Baron Samedi look awesome. Some of your Doctor Who figures look a bit boring to me (tho' I'm not a hardcore fan, just a casual viewer) but Solitaire and Samedi are 100% eye-catching.
but I've never heard of a 1/6 scale company increasing prices in this way.

How may other 1/6th companies are based in the UK and have had Brexit to deal with? None. Prices of imported figures (Sideshow, Hot Toys etc) to domestic (UK) dealers have already increased due to exchange rate decreases caused by Brexit.

Prices can change without prior notice being given and the longer you wait to buy there's always the risk of price increases or a product selling out. Big Chief are not the first company to do this if we look outside the 1/6th bubble for a minute: Apple upped their prices this time last year in the UK citing increased costs due to Brexit, as did Lego. I don't see the big conspiracy that you do I'm afraid.
Got Bond today! Not a bad figure at all. To me it looks like Connery and they protected the headsculpt from getting the nose rubs. In hand I think he looks great. Hoping that future released will get closer to HT levels but this is great!

Just got my Goldfinger and Oddjob. Oddjobs glass part of the stand has some kind of weird warp in it, as well as globs of glue all over the base, and Goldfinger has a nose rub. What a disaster this release is.
Was your Oddjob OK?
Of the three, that was the only one of mine that wasn’t having any issues.
The others had the nose rubs, and GF waistcoat was missing 2 buttons!! I thought it was only one!!
Guys, just thought I clarify for you. For anybody who has ordered any products from BCS up to midnight on 31st December 2017 these orders are secured at 2017 pricing and not are not affected by 2018 price changes.