Does anyone have recommendations for a taller 1/6 body? I need some taller, and maybe bigger bodies for some customs I'm working on. A half inch taller than a HT Truetype body might what I need.
There are also the larger dc direct 13 inch bodies.
There are also the larger dc direct 13 inch bodies.
Yep. Getting harder to find now, tho. Used the DC TDK Joker one for a few customs. It was perfect.
Sideshow made a Jaws figure from Bond. He was a bit taller then most reg bodies.
I'm not sure how much taller they are, but Triads Omega bodies were pretty tall...
Ya, I have plenty of DCD bodies lying around, but they are a smidgen too tall and bulky (plus the articulation sucks due to the cut joints).
Does anybody have comparison pics of the Omega body next to a TT? I've been considering getting one or two of these, but don't want to commit to them if it's not worth it.
Storerooms also has those original action figure bodies. While they are talller than TT They are v-e-r-y thin. Similar articulation to TT, similar hands, neck post etc
For bulkier, slightly taller Dragon--- there were those Army/Navy (American) Football players.--They also made a couple of modern figs with that body type.----It is difficult to fit most of the standar clothes on them though
the store rooms body are pretty crappy. yeah theyre taller but i broke both elbow joints and a knee the first day i got them. storerooms wont replace them either so i would avoid them if possible
Glad to read that, I was going to purchase this body for my Sam Winchester. So it is 100% crappy stuff....