Black Widow (July 9, 2021)

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So who is seeing this in theaters, streaming it on D+ Premiere, or waiting till it is available on D+/dvd/tv?
So who is seeing this in theaters, streaming it on D+ Premiere, or waiting till it is available on D+/dvd/tv?

So who is seeing this in theaters, streaming it on D+ Premiere, or waiting till it is available on D+/dvd/tv?
I'll stream it. I'm doubled-vaxxed now (ready for snaxx) but not stoked about getting stuffed in a box full of random people any time too soon.
I'll stream it. I'm doubled-vaxxed now (ready for snaxx) but not stoked about getting stuffed in a box full of random people any time too soon.
Why did you get the vax then??? If you don’t think it works why take it?
Why did you get the vax then??? If you don’t think it works why take it?
Of course it works. But just like the flu vaccines, it's not 100% immunity albeit it does attenuate severity. I'll let the dust settle regarding some of the more aggressive variants and track the rate of infection in my city before I get more relaxed.

At any rate, I think guidelines for the fully vaccinated (in Canada anyway) still recommend masks at the moment for large indoor gatherings with strangers. Maybe an abundance of caution, but it remains a rapidly changing situation.
In Ireland my age-group (the late 30s) only started getting their first jabs in the last 2 weeks or so, got my first on Saturday so the second will be at the start of next month I guess.
So who is seeing this in theaters, streaming it on D+ Premiere, or waiting till it is available on D+/dvd/tv?
Unless the reviews from trusted sources (real audiences) are positive, this will be the first MCU movie I won't see at the cinema where I've always seen them on opening day or by the first weekend. The most likely scenario is that I will watch it when I can see it for free.
I sure hope it isn't as bad as it sounds - I liked (not loved) Captain Marvel despite indicators saying that I wouldn't.
So who is seeing this in theaters, streaming it on D+ Premiere, or waiting till it is available on D+/dvd/tv?

I'm seeing it twice opening night (Thursday) in theaters (5:00 in IMAX, 8:40 in 2D digital), and then taking my younger kids to see it at 11:00 Friday morning. I will then pay the $30 for Disney+ Premier Access and watch it that way going forward.
Until the 4K Steelbook is available, which I will then buy as well.
That scene with her free falling does look stupid af. Gotta remember that these are humans with bones. Black widow is a human right? Her falling at top speed and crashing into another human is dumb. I know it’s a comic movie but let’s not make everyone super powered

Look at that young Jack Sparrow, before the dark times. You can even see the life in Depp's eyes. Still waiting for HT to release that version. They're too busy with Iron guy and Spider boy. :(
Look at that young Jack Sparrow, before the dark times. You can even see the life in Depp's eyes. Still waiting for HT to release that version. They're too busy with Iron guy and Spider boy. :(
I just (well, last Christmas) spent about 700 euros on the latest Sparrow, so I really hope they don't release another soon... A Cannibal Jack one would be a good candidate for an update, alongside a Davy Jones. But I don't see PotC being revived.

As for SM, the only thing I'd buy would be a Raimi-Man for nostalgia's sake, and this time they better include a HS. The 2099 is tempting as he, Ultimate & Raimi were my Childhood Spider-Trifecta, but I'm torn on buying him or waiting for some movie version with a Miguel HS.
I just spent about 700 euros on the latest Sparrow, so I really hope they don't release another soon...

Well, it's a good figure. I think you're safe, with Depp's legal, personal, and professional issues, who knows when and if we'll ever see him play JS. HT doesn't make anniversary figures or figures of old films anymore, so it's unlikely they'll make COTBP Jack. I'm happy with my DX 6, for what it is, but I can dream. :lol

Well, it's a good figure. I think you're safe, with Depp's legal, personal, and professional issues, who knows when and if we'll ever see him play JS. HT doesn't make anniversary figures or figures of old films anymore, so it's unlikely they'll make COTBP Jack. I'm happy with my DX 6, for what it is, but I can dream. :lol
Yeah, I'm not expecting more Depp stuff anytime soon. It's why I'm thinking of picking up the Punisher War Machine. Punisher's been effectively banned from comics and I wonder if we'll ever see him in anything again, so I'm wondering if that figure goes up in price.
Cops liked him so Post-Floyd he got scrubbed. His solicitated comic got canned, the new Ennis Fury/Frank mini got shelved and he hasn't appeared in any comics since. No games, no shows, nothing. He's unofficially retired for the time being.

So a career criminal got himself a statue, the police defunded, and Punisher banned. Yup, sounds like 2020 logic. :LOL:
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So a career criminal got himself a statue, the police defunded, and Punisher banned. Yup, sounds like 2020 logic. :LOL:
It's [Current Day]. I'm half expecting them to do a revamped MCU Punisher by either making Frank a black guy who protects the streets from evil cops, or they'll just ignore him and use the black Brit Punisher from way back. I don't know what'd be worse... Probably the former. Frank and Huntress are the only two mainstream Italians in Capes, and they've already turned Huntress black in the comics for some reason. Still, it's always funny how they can show him killing hoards of Irish, Russians and Italians, even sometimes Mexicans, but God forbid the Punisher kills some black criminals. That's even in comics too. Ennis had his problems, but his gangs and criminals were properly distributed.

It's piss easy to 'sanitise' him, for better or worse, though. Just have him be this globe trotting vigilante who takes dangerous jobs and offs global crime bosses and whatever else. It'd be like the more action hero/Rambo version of the 80s, but hey, if it gets me a a properly cast Frank with a bandana look, I'll take it. I'm still waiting for that perfect 1/6th Punisher that has him in his "super soldier" getup and is packed to Hell and back with guns, goggles and whatever else.
if it gets me a a properly cast Frank with a bandana look, I'll take it. I'm still waiting for that perfect 1/6th Punisher that has him in his "super soldier" getup and is packed to Hell and back with guns, goggles and whatever else.

I guess you're not a fan of the classic Punisher costume with the white gloves and white boots? That's my personal favorite.

At some point he wore a bandana, but I'm not sure when or why.