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I am pretty sure their Delorean will be a 2 in 1 offering, probably Blitzway knows that the market is practically saturated by different  big scale (1/6, 1/8, 1/12 or 1/10) BTTF Deloreans, so by offering a product (that will be expesive) that give you options and more accuracy, they will not only entice new customers for their first 1/6 vehicle but also even those that already have the car from other brands and want an...and and more screen accurate version. We probably, hopefully get the first version with lighting rod and plutonium chamber detail as well as correct lighting and other details, plus the option/look of..Mr. Fusion and the fligh mode version that we see in the first movie ending, and latter in the second movie. Hot Toys did it with their "part III" Delorean version, giving two options, I know is just a change of wheels and height ride adjustment, but it can be done and HT did it to entice more possible buyers.

Blitzway might have said "Part II" Delorean to cover the "bases" and hint that since they are going to do the first/second movie version Delorean in a 2 for 1 release...second movie version FIGURES are in the work to!!!! Let's hope for the best!!!
