Blitzway will not hurt HTs in any way since they do not have the same licenses as HTs....DC, Marvel, Star Wars, Warner Bros, Disney, etc etc. They produce far more and sell far more than any 1:6 company in the world, and its not even close. They deserve to be #1 because they create the best toys on the planet. Some others do nice work, but their production is really low compared. ThreeZero might do The Walking Dead, but how many have they released from that line? Not a lot.
No license sells more than Star Wars, DC, and Marvel. As long as they have them, they will be #1 for a long long time.
I mean the actors who they make figures of collect Hot Toys. They pop up on late night talk shows and interviews with them. Other than Sideshow no one else is near Hot Toys.
its funny for the past 10 years ive been using this site this type of thread gets started every few months someone saying HTs is in trouble. People were saying the same things back in '06, '07, '08 etc. When Enterbay got TDK, they said it about them too. its really a non-issue.
And don't worry about it. just relax and buy what you like. its really not worth worrying about.