Bmutha's Collection

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Wow...ok, so I was going through my pictures folder on my PC and found these old sketches I did a few years back. I don't have nearly enough time to keep up with art anymore, my two kids make sure of that! But anyway, here are couple of sketches of my favorite villain...the Green Goblin!

First, a doodle I did while I was bored at work one the time I had Terry Dodson's awesome Marvel Knights Spider-man # 10 cover as my desktop wallpaper:


so I attempted to sketch it (just the goblin part of it):


And here is an original Bmutha version of GG:


Anyway...don't rip these apart too much, guys...I am just an training, just something I loved to do as a kid.
Looks pretty damn good to me man! Nice work. I wish I could sketch something like that at the office

Thanks, bud. Ha ha...I don't have that kind of time at work anymore...I spend all of my time there posting on forums, :lol.

I actually drew the "Supreme" logo on the first post of this thread (the head/face in my avatar is part of it)'s a Bmutha original! One of my VERY few attempts at adding colour.
If you see my sketch, it looks like stick figures compare to yours buddy. :)
Wow...ok, so I was going through my pictures folder on my PC and found these old sketches I did a few years back. I don't have nearly enough time to keep up with art anymore, my two kids make sure of that! But anyway, here are couple of sketches of my favorite villain...the Green Goblin!

First, a doodle I did while I was bored at work one the time I had Terry Dodson's awesome Marvel Knights Spider-man # 10 cover as my desktop wallpaper:


so I attempted to sketch it (just the goblin part of it):


And here is an original Bmutha version of GG:


Anyway...don't rip these apart too much, guys...I am just an training, just something I loved to do as a kid.

Great Job, you have some skills, Bmutha and who did the original Artwork? Excellent Post my Friend
Judge Death "Death Sentence Edition" Review

Well, I got my replacement Judge Death in yesterday, and I am happy to report that it arrived without any issues.


I'll admit that this one was a bit of an impulse buy. I don't know much about the character or the Dredd all really. I bought Dredd last year after watching the amazing Dredd 3D (if you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and go buy a copy right now). I like to have a hero and his arch enemy in my collection, so when Death came up for PO, I jumped on it.

The packaging on the piece was good...almost too good. Each piece was wrapped in paper and foam, each of which was taped on. It was actually rather difficult and time consuming to get this guy unpacked. But, better safe than sorry, so kudos to PCS for doing their part to make sure this piece arrived at collector's doors damage free. I'm not going to bother describing the art on the box because, well, I generally don't give a **** what the box looks like...they all just get stored anyway.

The pose is...well...kind of ordinary, but hey, most statues are, I guess.



The regular edition comes with the open mouth portrait and one open hand for each arm. I got the Death Sentence Edition, which comes with two alternate switch out right hands (one is the impaled Judge helmet, and the other is the impaled gang member head) and one alternate head (mouth closed in a menacing grin). This piece definitely gets bonus points for the ability to customize your display in a number of ways.



I really like this piece. The details in the sculpt and the paint application turned out great, and this piece is definitely on par with the glorious Judge Dredd. The utility belt and belt buckle look amazing, the dragon on the shoulder (which is a separate piece) is very detailed, and the two exclusive hands have immense detail (the Judge helmet is all cracked where death's fingers poke through...amazing attention to detail!). The paint on Death's suit is a bit shinier and is a darker shade than Dredd's...I don't know if that is comic accurate, or if they should be the same. Other than the shade, I can't find a flaw in the paint anywhere on mine. Solid job there.





The one thing that holds this piece back, in my opinion, is the base. It's just kind of plain and boring looking. It kind of looks like he's standing on a big brown turd. Considering how much attention to detail they put into the figure itself, I think PCS could have put in a bit more effort to spice up the base, and make the piece even more visually appealing than it already is.

Overall, it's a very nice piece, and if you are a big fan of the Dredd universe, I imagine it's a must have. Even if you're like me and don't know much about the character, he'll look great on display in your collection. I'll be displaying mine with the closed mouth grin and the impaled Judge helmet.


Pose: 7.5/10, kind of generic, but menacing nonetheless
Detail: 9/10, great, great attention to detail on this figure
Paint: 10/10, I can't find a flaw with mine
Presence: 8/10, for an emaciated walking corpse, this dude does catch your eye with the great paint, huge claws, and maniacal facial expression
Base: 2.5/5, rather bland and boring...could have been done better
Bonus: 5/5, for the great amount of switch out parts on the Death Sentence Edition

Overall, this piece gets a score of 84% (42/50) on the brand new, highly complex Bmutha rating system.


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Wow...ok, so I was going through my pictures folder on my PC and found these old sketches I did a few years back. I don't have nearly enough time to keep up with art anymore, my two kids make sure of that! But anyway, here are couple of sketches of my favorite villain...the Green Goblin!

First, a doodle I did while I was bored at work one the time I had Terry Dodson's awesome Marvel Knights Spider-man # 10 cover as my desktop wallpaper:


so I attempted to sketch it (just the goblin part of it):


Anyway...don't rip these apart too much, guys...I am just an training, just something I loved to do as a kid.

WOW Kris!!! :horror what a small world...this exact picture of the Green Goblin is what I decided to use as my final design as one of my 13 Marvel characters that I've had tattooed as part of my full arm Marvel sleeve :) I started the sleeve in February of last year and after 54 hours work and a year later it is now complete. I will have to start PM'ing you guys the final pics. Really love this design of GG and have incorporated it overlooking a swinging Spidey :rock Great sketch by the way buddy :rock2
Incredible collection and love that Thor. Amazing how something so beautiful could come out of such a heartbreaking delivery!
Incredible collection and love that Thor. Amazing how something so beautiful could come out of such a heartbreaking delivery!

Thanks, bud. Yeah, I spent a long time tracking one of those down, so it was certainly disappointing when it arrived damaged. I actually prefer the modern costume design, so I guess it turned out well in the end.
Love the Judge Death review B! Your pics look awesome! I can't wait to take mine back out of the box. Hope your reviews are permanent going forward. We buy a lot of the same stuff. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and opinions on this guy
Love the Judge Death review B! Your pics look awesome! I can't wait to take mine back out of the box. Hope your reviews are permanent going forward. We buy a lot of the same stuff. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and opinions on this guy

Thanks, bud. I plan to do more reviews as new pieces roll in. I'd like to go back and do write-ups on recent pieces, but two young boys means I just don't have the time. I'll get around to it eventually.
Alright, just what you all wanted...more Batman pics!

This is my replacement body from Sideshow. I had to fight with it to get it to fit on the base. The metal peg was at the wrong angle, and that causes the peg on the left foot to me misaligned with the hole (by quite a wide margin). No problem for me, though! I picked up a dremel 3000 from Home Depot (always wanted an excuse to get one) and shaved down the metal peg and enlarged the hole where the metal peg fits...voila, fits like a dream now. I also ended up having to shave down the peg on the right arm, as the batarang hand didn't fit properly either.

After these two fixes, this new body is nearly flawless. I'll try to post a review soon, but here are a few pics of my (finally) complete Batman PF EX:



