Can you ever really find a blame for this? Is it the parents? Television? Society? Is it the kid that had a mental issue? Video games? All of the above?
I know that is going to sound corny but....
When I was growing up
way back in the late seventies , early eighties, the internet (didn't exist)or video games weren't as much of a influence as they are today. Yet the cartoons that were on TV were pretty violent, Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry, yet somehow I knew that they were make believe, I never had the urge to blow someone's head off with a shotgun, or drop an anvil on somebody.
I think that this generation of children is exposed to a form of violence that my generation was not, when growing up. There are about a billion channels on TV, showing violent movies at all hours, the graphics of the violent video games are now so realistic, it's not like the old Commando video game, where the soldier fired slow moving bullets the size a golf ball and the killed soldier simply disappeared.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Palysation games, but I think our kids are exposed to much more than we were and can become desensitized to to certain things.
My idol as a kid was my father, but my 13 year old niece idolizes people like Brittany Spears and Lindsey Lohan. These people are constantly jammed down our throats .Two days ago the top story on was Brittany Spears losing custody of her babies...WHO CARES? Isn't there more important news? Are these the types of role models that we want our children to have, peoplethat get away with breaking any law from DUI's to Murder? Where are todays positive role models? Where are our family values? Where are we headed? Will our children wonder what color alert we are at before they board a flight?
I know that I and others kid around on the board, but this story really makes me sad. I became a father 2 years ago and I see the world in a different light, I want my daughter to grow up in a decent world that sadly might be more corrupt and worse than the one her father did.
That's it, I'm off my soapbox.